[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 1 points 3 months ago

Hi! This is a good post, however we don't typically allow copying and pasting the full article content into the body of the post. I'm going to remove this post, but please feel free to repost it with just a link and a summary. Thanks!

[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I haven't gotten to make more caramel, but I did eat my last batch. Definitely the right chew, but so pale it looked like raw chicken, and the fat didn't emulsify so it was, as my SO immediately described it, "gweasy." Picture: https://postimg.cc/qtY5kV6g

Recipe was as follows:

  • 192g sugar
  • 65 ml canned coconut cream
  • 28g vegan butter
  • Salt and vanilla to taste
  1. Put sugar in a pot with just enough water to fully wet it, along with the coconut cream
  2. Heat over medium heat to firm ball temperature
  3. Remove from heat, add butter, salt, and vanilla.
  4. Pour into pan lined with parchment paper

I'm going to try again with the same ingredients but try melting the sugar dry, then adding the coconut cream. That would at least help with the color of nothing else. Failing that, I have another recipe I can try that uses corn syrup and brown sugar along with sweetened condensed coconut milk.---

[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 1 points 8 months ago

A little late to my own party because of a business trip, but I think I'm going to work on refining my dairy free caramel skills. I should have photos of a few batches of caramel throughout the month.

[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 2 points 10 months ago

Gonna be honest, this comment further down explains why you should have some compassion even on posts that seem obvious to you: https://beehaw.org/comment/883359

Consider taking this approach in the future.

[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

Hey, this post looks like it is just an ad for an ebay listing, which doesn't really fit in the gaming community we are trying to build on Beehaw. I am going to remove it here, but if that is not the intention, please repost it with additional context. Thanks!

[-] gyrfalcon@beehaw.org 1 points 11 months ago

Sure, people are more than their political views, but I don't know that that means political comments made in tech content should just be ignored. The people making the content put them there deliberately, and there's enough tech content out there that at the very least if that bothers you, it's easily possible to find something that doesn't include those comments, if not something that includes political commentary that isn't bothersome.

On top of that, what some might call identity politics, others would call minority groups getting together and demanding that their voices be heard the same as others. Political divisions often reflect real life experiences and how they differ, and the only way to just ignore the political differences is to ignore important issues is people's lives.

Identity politics is also a 2 way street. I'm not familiar with tech podcasters specifically, but I imagine they're not getting the same kind of push back if the political commentary is putting minorities in a negative light.

What I am using far too many words to say is, dismissing the concerns of the OP because they sound a little bit too much like identity politics is not a nice way to contribute to this thread, and I encourage you to reexamine your post and think of nicer ways to contribute in the future.

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