[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 102 points 9 months ago

Oh it's... wait shit I'm dumb how dare you

[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 7 points 9 months ago

Hope you're okay bud. If you ever need an outlet treat my inbox like a punching bag. Someone out here cares about you, even when you feel like nobody does (been there) ๐Ÿ’™

[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 13 points 10 months ago

I haven't set foot in a public pool since I learned that chlorine doesn't have a smell, and that public pool "chlorine" smell is actually chloramines - made from the chlorine in the pool reacting with ammonia in urine.

Avoiding the shark is just an added bonus

[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 2 points 10 months ago

The traffic lights are on the pole, but the pole is only there to hold the traffic lights up so it doesn't count. The black box that contains the traffic lights does, though, even though by itself it can't be considered "traffic lights". Idk maybe I'm an AI

[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah. If it was possible to pirate food I wouldn't feel so bad about being so poor

[-] gumdropbunnies@lib.lgbt 38 points 1 year ago

Not to mention the comparison between watching a movie at home, where you know it will be silent, versus the risk of having at least one (but often more) groups of people who will not shut the fuck up the whole time.


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