[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 3 days ago

I know! It should be "hot diggity dog".

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 4 days ago

Could also be job postings to convince current workers that their overwork will soon end because the company is about to hire new folks. I've seen that theory floated to explain the "help wanted" signs at fast food places that never come down.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 6 points 6 days ago

And sometimes those recommendations get implemented in awful ways in public buildings. And that's why my office will be hot and humid when I get to work on Monday--the A/C gets turned off over the weekend and it takes forever to catch up on Monday. Never mind that I work in a library and books do not deal well with changing temperature and (especially) high humidity.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 23 points 1 week ago

They have butter for their hot cakes. Sounds like it was adding butter packets to the order.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 24 points 3 weeks ago

Come on, I'm counting on you!

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 15 points 3 weeks ago

Yep. That's why I'm here again. My reddit app may work for now, but the writing is on the wall in bigger, bolder letters.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 13 points 4 weeks ago

This last election, I googled the candidates and voted for the ones that hadn't tried to ban books at the local library.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 33 points 8 months ago

Drunk driving isn't an accident.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 12 points 8 months ago

Because the pumpkin didn't yet have a mouth


So, I've never been to a pawn shop before. I'm curious what's there, but TV makes them seem shady and odd. What should I know before I visit? I'm sort of expecting a cross between an antique and a thrift store, that sort of vibe.

I'm in the USA and don't intend to pawn anything.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 32 points 10 months ago

Robert Evans wrote a post on it and did multiple podcast episodes.

The TL&DR is that AI-generated children's books are crap, without a coherent storyline or any literary niceties like "foreshadowing" and "beginning middle and end". Kids are still learning what stories look like, so if you hand them AI-generated stuff they might know it's unsatisfying, but they can't put into words why their books are wrong.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 38 points 10 months ago

I read an article about it recently. If a student asks to be called by a name other than the one they were registered with (for example, Benjamin asks to be called Ben or William asks to be called Sir Buttface) the school is supposed to inform the parents and get approval. A "side" effect of this is outing trans kids to their parents.

[-] grysbok@lemmy.sdf.org 25 points 11 months ago

Sync for Reddit (SfR) was a wicked popular third-party Reddit app. Sync for Lemmy will help former SfR users feel comfortable.

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