Get out of my head Charles

Is this where we’re supposed to post when we are installing arch Linux?

I smell a community event brewing… :D

Tbh it actually sounds a lot more like Boeing these days. F9/F9H is bulletproof reliable these days, and starship is making HUGE developmental strides, while Boeing is still failing to discover and iron out system integration bugs and hardware faults years after they had “completed the project”.

[-] 37 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Hey man, I once had an engineering exec (who didn’t last very long) who decided engineers would be stack ranked by SLOC. You can imagine how easy that metric was to cheese, and you can also imagine exactly how that policy turned out.

Give an engineer a stupid metric to meet, and they’ll find a stupid way to meet it for you, if only out of malicious compliance.

Did tech bros just reinvent the concept of trains?

It’s highly dependent on the application.

For instance, I could absolutely see having certain models with LPCAMM expandability as a great move for Apple, particularly in the pro segment, so they’re not capped by whatever they can cram into their monolithic SoCs. But for most consumer (that is, non-engineer/non-developer users) applications, I don’t see them making it expandable.

Or more succinctly: they should absolutely put LPCAMM in the next generation of MBPs, in my opinion.

RISC V is what you’re looking for

Jesus, what a stupid fucking hill to die on. Republicans never cease to amaze and appall.

[-] 268 points 5 months ago

no nagging for a week

Wow, there’s just so much to unpack from just that sentence, let alone the chart.


Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

[-] 244 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This isn’t Apple being nice.

This is Apple wanting to sell things in California, combined with Apple not wanting to manufacture two separate versions of their devices for the US market.

This is also why everyone gets USB-C iPhones now, instead of only the EU.

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