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[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

This is why we got Stadia. Imagine Netflix where you pay a monthly fee and still have to buy all the movies and shows at full price. That was Stadia's model.

Thos erodes the concept of ownership so that it is substituted for rental, without stating that clearly. Stadia failed but in doing so it probably helped Microsoft figure out how to eventually get away with doing the exact same thing.

Games should clearly say if you're basically renting them, not have it buried in the EULA. Let publishers full price and let consumers decide if they are prepared to live with it.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Totally agree. You always leave yourself room to negotiate down.

Imagine not supporting this because you think it's unfair to the industry, given the very specific examples that have been given.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago

He talks about that. I think the gist is that a lot of games that are online services could run locally, the publisher just chooses not to. That's why Ross chose the Crew 2 as his hill to die on: there's evidence that an offline does/did exist and just wasn't enabled. That's a practice that needs to be challenged.

The argument goes that a game that relies on server side technology to run in any form shouldn't be sold as a product that you can own. This needs to be reflected in the price and licensing model. That seems fair.

The big question is why TF we're at a point where a company should be allowed to sell you a product and say you own it then remove your right to use the product arbitrarily. I bet there's IP in the server side code, but having a system where a corporation's IP and ability to make money from the IP is more important that the concept of ownership is deeply fucked up.

Technology Tangents did a video where a game he bought on CD and tried to play on period-correct hardware won't run because there was DRM that called a server to check the date and to make sure it wasn't leaked early. Decades after the release, the server is gone and the game can't run, ironically, because it's so far outside of its release date. That's the kind of bullshit that absolutely shouldn't be tolerated.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

That article is from Jan 2023 when Sony responded to a Bloomberg report that they had cut production due to lower than expected launch sales.

It's possible they will rebut this article too, but they haven't so far AFAIK.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

And legislate content ownership altogether. The idea that Reddit spent more than a decade growing its community just so that it could use our content as its own property is a huge issue. How do we safely and fairly communicate and express our ideas in society where the platforms that enable this automatically claim ownership of our ideas? Social media are middlemen with outsized influence.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 18 points 5 months ago

*free speech if Elon agrees with you

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 83 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

It's such bullshit, Reddit could have been so much more. Researching my latest purchase/obsession, and the only way to find anything that isn't corporate sponsored reviews or AI content farming is to add the word "Reddit" to the end of the search.

As someone with an 11 year old account that I deleted during the TPA debacle, I fully recognise that there's a huge problem here. Reddit created a place where people wanted to put their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, and now that they are cashing out TOO FUCKING BAD LAME EBD USER.

Edit: /oblig fuck you spez. Slimy little arsehole sold everyone out and thinks he deserves to be rich because his shitty site isn't absolutely irredeemable.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 9 points 6 months ago

That chicken is so raw that 22 states want that man in prison.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 109 points 7 months ago (9 children)

"Taylor Swift is going to come out in the presidential election and she is going to mobilize her fans," Kirk warned his viewers on Wednesday, adding, "And we're going to be like, 'Oh wow, where did all these young, female voters come from?' We better have a plan for that."

Kirk acknowledging a) the party does not attempt to represent young women and b) the current plan is that they hopefully just don't vote.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Using the terms "telemetry" and "spyware" interchangeably makes the former seem more nefarious and the latter less nefarious. I understand where you're coming from but I wouldn't want to see the term "spyware" diluted to include anonymised data about how users are using product features.

That's not to say telemetry data is fine or that a company might claim to only use telemetry data isn't actually using spyware.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

One of my favourite youtubers recently quite his job to go full time on his channel. He's been growing his audience and patreon backers and for a long time using the income from those videos to invest in his equipment and the gear he reviews. Eventually he grew the channel enough to go full independent.

It'd be really hard to do that outside of YT's monetisation model tbh. I think most YTbers start of making videos for shits and giggles and any money they get is like passive income. Then they catch a viral video of find and audience and start the consider the channel more seriously, and explore other monetisation models and opportunities. I get the hate towards Google and YT but a lot of the oddballs I love on YT might not have a platform otherwise.

[–] g0nz0li0@lemmy.world 15 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Do you mean lower growth in numbers? Lemmy.world recently posted users for August and it grew by a healthy amount.

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