[-] fr0g@feddit.de 15 points 2 months ago

Which is at least less than all the other big platforms are taking.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 9 points 5 months ago

There have been numerous reports about EU officials/MPs considering stripping Hungary of its voting rights preceding this. So most likely Orban as just beenade aware that there's a limit to which degree he can block stuff while still being allowed to play ball.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 12 points 6 months ago

Dass hier massenweise User aufschlagen, würde ich erst einmal für sehr, sehr unwahrscheinlich halten.

Gibt Bemühungen von vielen Fedi-Instanzen die Kommunikation mit Threads schon präventativ zu blocken (die threads domain lässt sich ja jetzt schon blocken, für jeden, der das machen möchte). Halte da persönlich aber nicht ganz so viel von. Es liegt halt in der Natur der Sache bei offenen Standards, dass da jeder mitmachen kann und wenn ein riesiger Konzern wie Meta das für nötig/sinnvoll erachtet und sich in der Form öffnet, halte ich das erst einmal für einen Gewinn für ein offeneres Internet. Natürlich sollte man trotzdem wachsam sein, wie Meta letztlich mit dem Ökosystem umspringt und jederzeit bereit sein, die Reißleine zu ziehen.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

"Yeah, the affluent people can come on over, climate be damned, oh and also please take in our refugees while you're at it."

Absolutely despicable ghouls.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 9 points 7 months ago

Well they basically tried that already. They tried to strike up a trade agreement with the then ruling conservative power that would give China significant economic and thus political influence. But the Taiwanese people were smart enough to see through that. There was a popular uprising, the legislative building got occupied by student protestors, the agreement was retracted and the then president lost the next election in a landslide.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Democracy is built on compromise and consensus. Even within a single party, members and representatives must negotiate a consensus about what positions and policies they want to pursue. To say that consensus building within a party is acceptable but between parties is not (which is effectively what you are doing here) is completely arbitrary and doesn't make sense.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 9 points 8 months ago

you can't just blame other countries problems on us

You can, if they happened to be caused by us. Which they are. From propping up authoritarian leaders for cheap resources to being main contributers to the climate crisis

Also how is Germany not deporting undesireable people already? There are processes for this in play already. What part of it exactly do you think is lacking? Most people who are for more deportations have no idea how the process works, what the criteria or problems with it are at all. All they know is that they want more. Doesn't matter if it actually solves any problems or not.

(Turns out you can't really deport more people faster without undermining basic principles of the rule of law or because the states to deport to are not willing to cooperate in the first place (and why would they?))

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 9 points 9 months ago
[-] fr0g@feddit.de 12 points 9 months ago

And if you look at societies in general, those with the harshest most authoritarian rules don't really tend to be the most peaceful, crime free ones, but rather harsher rules and a harsher society tend to go in lockstep. Because violence and harshness tend to breed more violence and harshness and the fact that one of the sides enacting the violence is the state and the supposed "good guys" doesn't magically change that.

Of course that doesn't mean that there's no place for harsher laws or tougher measures in certain situations ever. But it definitely means that the harder you hit, the more precise you have to be, if you don't want things to fire back on you. Which is a lot easier said than done.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 14 points 9 months ago

Okay, and what would "incredibly enforcing it" look like in your opinion?

You could establish longer criminal sentences. But longer sentences generally don't have a higher deterent effect and you just end up with people who have been isolated from society longer or are harder to integrate.

You could make it easier to arrest people/have criminal proceedings, but that will also mean more innocent people will be subjected to harsh measures and grow disdainful of the police.

You could increase police presence in general. But that is also likely to harbour mistrust and have more people subject to unfair scrutiny and would probably to little to prevent the crimes we are talking about here.

And mind you, all these measures will be much more likely to target migrants who already might have a not too rosy view of law enforcement and general society, so you're always risking exacerbating the same societal issues that are also contributing to the crimes.

So what exactly would you suggest?

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 12 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Because it rarely really solves the actual problem while creating a lot of spill on damage and possibly furthering violence. See the US war on drugs or Duterte's mass executions in the Philippines for very drastic examples.

[-] fr0g@feddit.de 8 points 9 months ago

Yeah, it still seems a weird place to complain about it when this is actually a measure of moving the goalposts closer (2030 is certainly less than 10-20 years,) while other industrial nations like the UK and Germany are even backsliding.

I think it's totally fair to criticize that it isn't enough, because it isn't. I just don't see how engaging in hyperbolic scenarios and defeatism is supposed to help anything. I think it's also okay to acknowledge when something is at least moving in a slightly less shit direction and use that as a source of encouragment to turn things around further, instead of just saying "well, this is shit".

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