[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

FFXIV lets you do almost all of the main story solo now, making the amazing story accessible to so many people. There are a few instances of having to do an alliance raid or trial every 40 hours of solo content or so, but if you weren’t ok with that, why even play an MMO? It’s in the name, “multiplayer.”

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Yep. Was just about to say this. FFXIV has a strong community, and the director actually listens to the community. Like with Bozja in 5.x content, it was so fun and a really nice way to get a relic weapon and have a good time with friends. With 6.x they didn’t implement anything like it and the community let them know, so they have said that they are doing something similar for 7.x. Some midcore/harder content that’s accessible to everyone.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 64 points 3 months ago

How will verification be done? Are they making the websites foot the bill for verification, which pornhub is super against, or are they going to make a centralized device verification, like how Louisiana did, allowing its residents to access pornhub again?

How is the 25% decided? Public content or private, like a Dropbox system? 25% by file size, length (how are pictures counted here), or just per item (would a gallery or picture be the item here)?

These legislatures know NOTHING about technology and how it all works and are just doing this for censorship and LGBTQ+ discrimination.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

I have moved so far away from intel. You need a big cooler and they still use more power. You can get more performance with AMD while using less power.

It’s been 4 years since I built my last one, but I still think it holds true.

I haven’t experienced any issue with my AMD in the last 4 years. I don’t think it’s an issue anymore. A CPU is a CPU and your OS should tell the CPU what to do.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 25 points 4 months ago

You mean sex checks. Gender isn’t physical. They’ll call it “gender checks” though.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 145 points 6 months ago

I’m pretty sure this against FCC regulations.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago

Hops are really awesome when used correctly, but many breweries just toss in hops to cover up bad bases. I’m lucky to have a few breweries around me that make really goods stouts and sours.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 63 points 6 months ago

beer shipments

That’s the problem. A lot of people are living in and around cities now. We buy beer at the brewery. Do these figures include 1st party sells? Distributors have always been a necessary evil and many states have laws saying you must go through a distributor for selling elsewhere, but many breweries are just doing taprooms now to not have to deal with that. I’d like to see those stats if they exist.

I do understand that many people are buying seltzers now, myself included.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 21 points 6 months ago

Exactly. Why don’t we separate this even further? Top 1% or top 0.5% or top 0.1%? That salary is almost required from a couple living in a city (60k/person, but one person is most likely making a large chunk of it), but people living in cities have way less of a carbon footprint by living closer to the grocery store, taking public transit, shopping locally, doing recycling/compost, community gardens, walking, etc.

I traveled twice as much in my car when I lived in Mississippi but made under 1/2 what I do now in Washington. I’m way more eco conscious now too.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 163 points 7 months ago

There are anti trust lawsuits going on with most the companies you listed though? Microsoft had one in the early tech days that they won, but there’s probably going to be another one soon…

Apple, Google, Amazon (by the FTC).

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 57 points 8 months ago

It doesn’t matter how niche, it matters how active we are. I’ve been bored by “hot” for a while since it’s just 1h old trash, and “active” just leads me to day old threads. I want to participate in 4 hour old threads that have a lot of comments and a lot of activity and people still replying.

[-] flames5123@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

Nice, but what’s the Weissman score?

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