[-] fishos@lemmy.world 74 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Sorry you're being downvotted by the misinformed. It's not even in the format for ChatGPT, especially the part about being out of tokens. It's been pointed out already that that is psuedo-code, not actual code. It's meant to look like something ChatGPT would say.

It's a troll/ragebait account.

This isn't news. At all. This is basically reporting on "the hacker known as 4Chan".

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 73 points 3 months ago

Ummm.... If you own the game, making backups is perfectly legal. This isn't piracy, this is hacking. I agree that most movie and game downloading IS PIRACY. This is not. It's piracy if someone rips the files and distributes it. If they rip it for themselves, it's not.

So yeah, it actually is a murky area here. You'd be going after everyone under the assumption of illegal activity vs actually targeting those commiting piracy.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 55 points 3 months ago

It's the same argument behind stimulus checks tbh. You give people money so that they can spend it on necessities and that money goes right back into the economy. Since our economy is based on growth and spending, more people spending money overall helps the economy, not hurts it. In addition, you're spending less money on solving societal issues. Well fed sheltered people cause less problems.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 92 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Some dude was ranting somewhere recently about GitHub and "I just want the damn exe, not a bunch of stupid code". It became a bit of a meme.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 121 points 4 months ago

I'm so sick of this revisionist bs. Plenty of us were outraged then and warned of EXACTLY this. Y'all reaped what you sowed. Now micro transactions and paid early access are the norm. We screamed and yelled to "vote with your wallets", and by god, you did. "It's just a few bucks" is the most common one I hear. Well, now EVERYTHING is "just a few bucks".

You won.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 51 points 4 months ago

Why is rape always different than murder? You go on this whole tirade about how "but rape is different", but is it? So you'd rather be next to a repeat murderer?

Is this really motivated by logic or by emotion? You don't speak facts(many of the things you said apply to murder as well, but "only rape" qualifies for you) and your description of them as "rabid animals" is all the more telling. I'm not excusing their previous actions, but your behavior isn't better.

You want a society where people grow and developed and are rehabilitated? It starts with losing outdated nonsense like that. He served his time. He's allowed to be part of society now. I suspect the other employee who was "fired for bringing it up" probably made some big show or threat, in which case, yeah, they should be fired for creating a hostile workplace for the other employee. Protections go both ways, bud.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 44 points 5 months ago

And it's ALWAYS the same problem. You can have all the lists you want. A central authority has to recognize and enforce that list. At which point, the structure of your list is completely irrelevant. It could be ANY list. What matters is that it's chosen to be enforced. And currently, most power structures are happy with plain old databases. Or pen and paper.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 150 points 6 months ago

Really fitting since usually the correct one isnt any of those. It'll be the non-flashy, plain text "download here" link.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 125 points 6 months ago

As it stands now, you can download all of Wikipedia for offline viewing. It's not restricted in any way. And since Wikipedia is looking for objective truth, not opinions, I'm not sure what benefit federation would do. You want it centralized, not broken up. What happens when two instances decide that their version is the only correct one?

I just don't see any benefit. This feels like when everyone was slapping "blockchain" on things because it was the current buzzword. What is Wikipedia failing at currently that decentralizing it would make better?

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 52 points 7 months ago

Which for awhile, this user(L4s) insisted on not labeling his bot as such because he felt his was special and deserved to be seen above others. Only after being massively called out did they fix it. But it left a bad taste in my mouth and I've had them blocked since, including their personal account. While the setting is useful, some users still need to be called out.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 90 points 7 months ago

Bed sores are caused more by lack of care than long hair. It's an excuse. A properly attended person won't have an increased risk from long hair. If it was truly a concern, it could be put up in a bun/ponytail etc.

[-] fishos@lemmy.world 43 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

You mean the clowns who used the app you tell them to use because none of you even know where things are anymore, to be told there's 562 in the store, but there's none on the shelf, but if we pester enough managers eventually, someone will get the lift and bring the box down that's been right there the whole time? Those clowns? Cus Home Depot customer service has been shit since they stopped hiring actual trade professionals who know what they're doing. You HAVE to be an annoying asshole or you'll never get anything there anymore. I've literally had associates tell me "we're out of stock" and I point up and go "what about those boxes right there??" followed by "oh, let me see if I can find someone allowed to use the ladder".

Home Depot gets the customers they deserve for the "service" they now provide.

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