[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

If you need to have someone explain to you why allowing a baby killer to go on parole -- and allowed back into society -- is bad, then the problem is not me, the problem is you. You have to put in the effort and think for yourself... though clearly you're not very good at it.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

Punishing evildoers doesn't hurt me, it only helps me. What does hurt me and millions of other Americans is when looney-bin cultists like you take the worst offenders and exploit them to manipulate and bully their victims and the victims' supporters into caving to your insane demands just so you can make yourself feel better. That's what actually hurts people.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 0 points 10 months ago

I don't have to. It's obvious to anyone who actually cares about their community and not defending baby murderers for their political agendas.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

It's clear everybody labeling her as mentally ill are doing it with an ulterior motive in mind. They're almost as bad as she is.

Have you ever read The Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt?

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

That fact makes it all the worse.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

No. I will not be silent in face of blatant ableism.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

That's assuming she committed the murders out of mental illness, which is entirely baseless and an ableist claim to make.

You are here with a clear agenda and what you're doing -- undermining the seriousness and reprehensibility of her actions by labeling it as mental illness -- is morally repugnant.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

You're not helping the stigma against mental illness by automatically assuming she committed the murders as a result of it. You are not a psychologist, more importantly not her psychologist, so you do not have the authority to make that kind of a determination.

Claiming she committed the murders because she is mentally ill is an ableist act.

Being mentally ill doesn't mean you're going to murder anyone, certainly not babies.

You're ableist, and unempathetic.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

So a baby murderer should have been allowed to keep her job and continue to put innocent lives in danger because you 1) baselessly think she's mentally ill, and 2) think that a condition as extreme as you're implying shouldn't be regarded with consequence.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

That's because the mental health excuse is just that: an excuse. They don't actually have the evidence to back up the notion that she's mentally ill other than her diary entries. Those entries could have been forged for all they know.

They not only undermine the very real damage that woman caused by using mental health as a cynical attempt to try to give her an out, they also are being extremely ableist. Committing egregious crimes != mental illness and for them to draw that equivalency caters to the stereotype that mentally ill people are dangerous.

These are people who know that and who would call others out for being ableist, yet do so freely in threads like this without consequence or a second's thought from anyone else. Ask yourself why that is.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

A large number of people would disagree with you and they would be right to do so. Your opinion does not mean fact.

Nothing anyone does will bring those poor children back from the dead. That's not the point of justice. The point of it is to fulfill what the people think qualifies as moral righteousness. It's what the word actually means if you look it up in a dictionary, and for the majority of people, they believe the death penalty in cases like this is right and I for one can't fault them.

The point of wanting her dead isn't to bring the babies back. It's to get rid of her, permanently, as they rightfully should. We know prison isn't enough because others have cited the case of another baby murderer who is now up for parole and may be released, completely defeating the point of life sentences in jail.

murder is wrong (unless I think you deserve it)

And that's how many philosophical schools of thought work, and they are quite honestly more valid than yours. Deontology is a terrible moral outlook and cases like this is why. We can't have a moral and just society if we only judge morality by action and not by the circumstances of that action, who is affected, who commits it and why, etc.

What you're asking for is actually unempathetic, cruel, and quite honestly really dangerous for the community.

[-] fabulousflamingos@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

They do it because they choose to. Regardless of all other circumstances, the choice is always theirs.

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