[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 35 points 5 months ago

Reusing credentials is their fault. Sure, 23&me should've done better, but someone was likely to get fucked, and if you're using the same password everywhere it is objectively your fault. Get a password manager, don't make the key the same compromised password, and stop being stupid.

submitted 6 months ago by elscallr@lemmy.world to c/minecraft@lemmy.world

I'm not much of a Minecraft player. But when I want to make some planks my crafting menu goes from oak to spruce to jungle to whatever... It's like I have to time the fucking thing.

Is there a way to make this stop happening? I want to make my planks out of a specific material to save another material. That's annoying. I'd prefer it just have all the options. And the right click menu doesn't help. It lists pictures with no useful tooltips.

What am I missing? Did I fuck up my installation by installing Optifine at some point in the past I don't even remember? Pretty sure it's v1.19.xx

Just.. is this expected or is it something I broke? If it's the former.. is there an extension to disable it?

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 42 points 6 months ago

Want an honest answer?

Onboard are >=2 bits of code. At least one of those is a specific system trained to recognize a "wake word". This specific system (ostensibly) doesn't send anything to an outside party. Its entire job is to recognize one wake phrase: Alexa, Ok Google, or Siri, and then if that wake phrase is used it responds and tells the second system to listen. As you can imagine, this is a pretty easy job to get right 80% of the time. So that can be put on a chip. So then it does its job, and it's the second system that sends everything to an internet service for whatever reason.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago

I need to fuck an idiot, you brakes

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 39 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Well then, anyone have this code archived? Time to make sure it makes it to torrent networks. The only way we render the DMCA irrelevant is to make it useless.

Make sure to keep the checksums in place.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago

Yeah "it does nothing but downloads torrents" is the selling point. It's the reason I exclusively use Transmission.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 42 points 9 months ago

Unity's recent fuck up is a massive boon for them, I really hope they can capitalize on it. This is one of those moments that only happens once, if they push their development and marketing over the next 12 to 18 months they can snag a really significant share of the market and use it to vault themselves to the next go-to engine.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago

Well that's just uncalled for

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago


You really think they give a shit? About something like this? They just pay someone $200 to clean the yacht. Sink it and they just buy a new one. This isn't anything.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 86 points 10 months ago

It's wholly within their rights to refuse service to anyone for any reason. I hope they stick to their.. well, I guess "stick to their guns" doesn't really work here but whatever.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 31 points 10 months ago

Computers communicate across networks using ports. Port 22 is a commonly used remote administration port called ssh. Bots go around probing computers with an open port 22 hoping to find badly secured or outside misconfigured ssh servers to turn them into bots and crypto miners, etc.

[-] elscallr@lemmy.world 80 points 10 months ago

As one of the tech workers: fuck yeah, good for them for negotiating well, and getting what they're owed.

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