[-] dumples@kbin.social 26 points 1 month ago

Thank God for fungi. They do so much for us and now eating plastics. We really need something to eat it all

[-] dumples@kbin.social 21 points 1 month ago

This is really true when you think about how much wages have fallen behind for years. To make up that much ground there needs to massive raises. Like the ones won by UAW recently. It will take time until that happens

[-] dumples@kbin.social 27 points 1 month ago

I traveled last summer to Europe and I remember thinking about how cheap every meal was compared to back home. I don't even live in an "expensive" city

Especially for lunch, pubs and food halls. They were designed for regular people with deals and prices where you can have it everyday. This is even in expensive Norway and Denmark. I got a good hot dog for like 5 bucks cheaper in Scandinavia than back home. It's ridiculous

[-] dumples@kbin.social 33 points 2 months ago

Exactly. I want to watch 1 show and when I'm done I'm cancelling. I'm looking at your paramount plus.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 31 points 3 months ago

Bring it here. We need good moderators. Welcome back to the original corporate free Internet. It's great

[-] dumples@kbin.social 31 points 4 months ago

Obvious affect from a terrible dumb decision. I can't wait for the baby to be charged for murder for engulfing another embryo in womb. Or for twins to claim to be the same person since they were one embryo at one point.....

[-] dumples@kbin.social 26 points 5 months ago

I've really been seeing this for programming questions and it's infuriating. It's dozens of different sites that are either copying the one stack overflow forum or an endless repeat of the same question. It wasn't even 2 years ago that you could find the answer easily. Now it's all crap and so hard to find the official documentation.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 30 points 6 months ago

Muppet Christmas Carol.

A reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is scaring rich people into being more generous. Also Kermit

[-] dumples@kbin.social 24 points 6 months ago

Every time I see Al Gore I keep thinking what the world would be like if he was President especially after 9/11. With his environmental focus and the unlimited political capital we could have been off fossil fuels decades ago. What a waste

[-] dumples@kbin.social 29 points 7 months ago

My dnd group has a garden hermits outside their base. Well the garden hermits is just one part of the multi personality monster in the basement but same idea

[-] dumples@kbin.social 22 points 8 months ago

I think everyone is seeing that the worth of social media isn't worth what you need to pay now

[-] dumples@kbin.social 27 points 9 months ago

A good article especially when it starts talking about platforms as infrastructure. It getting readily apparent for everyone that the centralized monopoly by a single large entity to regular control and profit off of these platforms doesn't work. I can't work profitability and the power imbalances cause issues. I am surprised they don't talk about open source or regulation. We should treat all social media platforms like we do email with a standard technical method that completely interconnects with any sources. Like we are doing here in the fediverse

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