[-] dumples@kbin.social 37 points 1 month ago

bell hooks is amazing. I recommend Feminism is for Everybody for anyone who wants to know what people mean by feminism and especially if you want to learn about intersectionality

[-] dumples@kbin.social 34 points 1 month ago

120 jobs aren't that many to apply for. I applied for 99 during my last job search granted it was over a few months but still. For an AI tool it should be much more

[-] dumples@kbin.social 146 points 2 months ago

The only reason reddit was valuable was because it was from real people who weren't paid off. Well that's ruined now.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 82 points 2 months ago

I think millennials and zoomer are just being open and honest about things that always happened. We love labels and with the Internet talks with other like-minded people. There have always been people who worked 9 to 5 at a job and prioritized stability over money. We are being open and bragging about it. We just want to break the hustle culture that was always a loud subset

For example my dad a peak boomer worked at the same company for his whole career and turned down "promotions" that gave a manager title with little more money. They have always been there

[-] dumples@kbin.social 35 points 3 months ago

The sudden influx of random racists on a local space after a tragedy is cliche at this point. They are just waiting in the wings to spread some nonsense and pretend to be from there.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 39 points 3 months ago

Healthcare doesn't work as a for profit business model. High profits and high patient outcomes don't align. Profit will always win at for profits and people will suffer

[-] dumples@kbin.social 62 points 3 months ago

How quick after IPO do they ban porn and how quick after that does the site fail?

[-] dumples@kbin.social 42 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

If we are making up calendars why don't we have 13 months of 28 days leading to 364 days. This means every month has 4 weeks of 7 days and an extra day a year which we can make a celebration day that doesn't land on a day of the week. So every year every day lands on the same day of the week and an extra day (or two on leap years) that aren't part of the typical week

[-] dumples@kbin.social 58 points 5 months ago

When someone says they hate onions you know they are the most boring person ever.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 94 points 5 months ago

Nothing funnier when hearing the players come up with the right solution right away and then immediately dismissing it.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 60 points 7 months ago

Exactly. Do better with your money. Hire garden hermits. Make beautiful timeless jewelry or make your own museum. What do they do? Spend it on Super PACs, cars, ugly modern houses and stupid business investments.

[-] dumples@kbin.social 44 points 9 months ago

Many people sell their bodies which we celebrate. Construction, heavy labor, mining etc. are regular people who sell their body for their living and they are all protected and regulated. We celebrate selling your body every time we watch sports for these athletes who entertain us. Every Sunday most of the US celebrates men who sell their body on the football field for our entertainment. Why is selling nude any different?


An in-depth look at the star crossed lovers we didn't get to see in DS9 including interviews with the cast and crew about why it didn't happen. Includes some details about the origin of slash fic


I started with Star Trek after watching the Star Trek (2009) movie in college. After that I went wild watching everything I could since I was young with loads of time. I watched most of TOS, all of TNS, all of DS9, all of Voyager, all of Enterprise and all of the movies. I then stopped since I didn't have the time and wasn't ready to download a new app to watch Discovery.

I am interested in watching some of the new shows from Discovery onwards but don't know where to start and what are worth watching. I no longer have hours to watch TV or movies anymore and want to prioritize series on an easy to find streaming service. What is worth watching and what is worth skipping? Is it worth while to watch them all the way chronically or just watch one series and then another one.

Hollyhawks and daisies (media.kbin.social)
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