
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Or a nice winter in the Balkans.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago

Well, ackshually, it's still a dragon.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Also, have in mind that main memory shared with igpu, so if we talking about memory heavy tasks like 8k video render with masks, effects and stuff, then this memory will be eaten not only by app, but also with gpu encoder. 64gb would be more close to "bearable minimum" but oh well, magic apple ram I guess.

[–] 23 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I mean, they do make your device slow. That why tools like InSpectre exists. For some old cpu's like my notebooks one it can be up to 20% performance impact, so if you not planning to use it with internet (or at least as main access point via browser) ever again, why not get yourself free performance?

[–] 40 points 6 months ago (4 children)

I can't even open reddit on a phone nowadays, cause my preferred sub have 18+ posts and reddit don't let you access that if you not logged in. Also, there a notification, that I need to use shitty official mobile app. Also, there notification to login via google. Also, there a notification... Nope, I not using this shit ever again.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago

LANG=en_US.UTF-8, do you speak it?

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

We need a bot who will replay on similar threads with smth like "you just violate law 207.3, you will be sentenced in russia up to 3 years in prison"

[–] -2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Palestinian civilians is not equal to Hamas.

So, okay, now there a video how Palestinians "civilians" gave up on resistance and hand over their weapons. Now what?

Also, about "too much violence on Palestinians", you need to watch this first and claim that you will not do same. . NSFW

[–] 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Have in mind, that custom ROM may not appear at all. My Redmi K30 Ultra is an awesome phone, without ugly dot in the screen, but unlike it's global counterpart "K30 Pro", my "china only" phone have different cpu and no other ROM's for it cause of that. China only also means, that this phone do not have NFC support for gpay (only huawei wallet and some weird china\russian software for some reason) and no gapps installed (like, at all, even tho playmarket will work after manual install). Also, 1/3 of OS is not translated at all, even tho english one of the few languages that supported even on china only rom. Also, you need root to "spoof" your phone ID otherwise some banking soft may not acknowledge this phone (altho, this is very unlikely). Another problem, that all xiaomi phones require you to use official app for windows with connected xiaomi account, then wait for ~2 weeks and only then unlock your bootloader (and for anything bootloader related, like installing different recovery, gaining root or install different ROM).

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

Super frustrating

Honestly, by working in IT you may found out, that every soft suck in some way or another. Windows - constantly broke itself by updates\not working as intended in the first place + frustrating UI\UX decisions; Linux too complicated and don't user friendly enough beyond "install firefox > use firefox > turn off pc", also breaks down at time; Mac OS too closed source, to the point when to install some regular soft like wine you need to "unlock" your OS and reboot PC after some tinkering, also hackintosh almost death at this point, also poor apple decisions about feature set support, like recent drop of 32 bit applications or not supporting Vulkan, or dropping support of openGL and etc., also weird course about gaming support, it's like they change their mind every damn month about it, so almost no game publishing company wanna work with them.

Everything sucks man, seriously. At this point it's just "pick your poison".

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

looking for a system that scans my existing games, gives a “yes it all works” or “no and here’s why”, that I can use to actually migrate

Well, you can connect your steam account to protondb and tap on "explore" button. That will not cover any software\games, but at least something. Altho, I would say: why you even want to switch at this point? Like, if you can withstand windows bullshitery but not linux bullshitery - stay on windows mate, no one will judge you. That why I staying on linux for example, even tho my work as junior system administrator mostly requires me to work with windows. I just can't go to home, boot my pc and acknowledge the fact, that windows "updated" driver of my 7900xtx and I can't play damn minecraft for 10 minutes before bed, cause I need to spend at least 20-30 minutes to fix that shit. I just can't. Yes, my arch linux may broke on occasion cause of update or smth like that, but at least I have full control about that. And if something happens, it's usually cause you decided to do something, not cause Microsoft decided silently "fix" their security issue in "Print Spooler" and broke all shared printers in the facility I working in.


Default image size near post in global feed is annoyingly small, until you click on it. And sometimes if you do, you got send to another site, cause that was not a preview of picture, but preview of a site instead. It's annoying, is there a simple way to change default behavior?

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