[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 22 points 4 weeks ago

for a second i thought they wanted you to change your pronouns to JP/Morgan lol

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 110 points 1 month ago

for context 22 billion is a few billions less than what elon musk overpaid for twitter. i don't think a bigger collider will do anything but I'd like for humanity to have this rather than whatever the fuck the rich are doing now.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 78 points 1 month ago

since you didn't fuck off let me explain.

i don't play nor care about helldivers 2 but i can certainly emphasize with people that have had their favorite game linking to a service that is blocked/not supported. you either use a free VPN which good luck with shitty connectivity, high packet loss and ping, or use a paid VPN which basically converts all your games into a subscription that is most certainly not affordable for many 3rd world users, and at the end you are still probably dealing with the issues mentioned before since you are adding extra hops in your route. and that's if you can get your hands on a working VPN which since most companies have their IP addresses known you get forced into shady VPNs automatically.

plus you are massively risking your data since you can't trust the person at the other end, especially with free VPNs that could be loaded with viruses and spyware. in addition in most cases using a VPN can and will trigger false bot flags, causing either a temporary block or worse a ban, not to mention lying about your region when creating an account is in most cases is against TOS (although it's unlikely you get banned for it).

for example i wanted to play titanfall 2 when it came out but couldn't due to it being linked to EA account system which is definitely blocked here. never bothered with the official Ultima Online because EA. wanna play the free copy of GTA V? can't download shit off Epic Games. wanna play any games made by Riot? you better get that DNS service ready cause otherwise you can't get in. wanna update warframe? too bad the CDN service they use blocks your region (this was a long time ago i remember being pissed off about it).

so stop being an asshole online. we deserve to play games like other people without resorting to hacks in order to have a worse experience that was forced upon us. even ignoring all of my rant this decision is still against privacy of most users by handing their data over to yet another big company. i cannot imagine what would compel someone to make an ass out of themselves to call people that are against this cry babies.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 136 points 1 month ago

as someone who is in a country where services are regularly blocked and you need to use a VPN,

fuck off.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 months ago

the anglophone mind cannot comprehend subtitles.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 22 points 4 months ago

why do you dislike it though?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by daniyeg@lemmy.ml to c/games@lemmy.world

pretty much the title. i have played most of sierra, lucasarts and telltale catalogues so if you are suggesting one of their games i've probably already played it. it doesn't have to be a copycat, homage or in the same style as these companies' games either, just that it must satisfy the vague definition of being an "adventure game" and have a good story. thanks in advance, can't wait to see your recommendations!

EDIT: thanks for your recommendations i couldn't reply to everyone. i can't to play (most of) them when i got time.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 43 points 4 months ago

ah classic mistake of installing AUR packages on manjaro. been there done that. check your logs and search for errors, it probably overwrote/deleted some xorg config that you must either manually add back or regenerate. sorry i can't help further im a linux noobie but that was my issue when this happened to me.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 34 points 4 months ago

i appreciate the human touch on the shoes lmao

submitted 4 months ago by daniyeg@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

i wouldn't normally be concerned since any company releasing a VR product with this price tag is obviously going to fail... but it's apple and somehow through exquisite branding and sleek design they have managed to create something that resonated with "tech reviewers" and rich folk who can afford it.

what's really concerning is that it's not marketed as a new VR headset, it's marketed by apple and these "tech reviewers" as the new iphone, something you take with you everywhere and do your daily tasks in, consume content in etc...

and it's dystopian. imagine you are watching youtube on this thing and when an ad shows up, you can't look away, even if you try to they can track your eye movement and just move the window, you can't mute it, you certainly cannot install adblock on it, you are forced to watch the ad until it satisfies apple or you just give up and take out the headset.

this is why i think all these tech giants (google meta apple etc) were/are interested in the "metaverse". it holds both your vision and your hearing hostage, you cannot do anything else when using it but to just use the thing. a 100% efficiency attention machine, completely blocking you from the outside world.

i'm not concerned about this iteration as much as people are not hyped about this iteration. just like how people are hyped about the next apple vision, i'm more worried about the next iterations with somewhat lower price tag and better software availability. i hope it flops and i know it probably won't achieve any sort of mainstream adoption even if it's deemed a success because it probably can't get less bulky and look less dorky, but the possibility is still worrying. what are your thoughts?

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 42 points 5 months ago

"i know you guys are upset at us fucking over all of you, but i assure you if you let us continue being petty tyrants with vast fortunes, we might give a marginally bigger sum of it back to the government, which will still spend it on whatever we tell it to anyway. win win!"

i don't want you to be more generous, i want you to be gone. if anyone proposed a plan that would actually affect them i doubt they would still support a wealth tax.

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 33 points 5 months ago

this is exactly me every time i'm showing someone how easy it is nowadays to run games in linux, only for the game that was running perfectly the previous night to throw some random error and crash my system

[-] daniyeg@lemmy.ml 37 points 5 months ago

if there's one rule to modding valve games, it's "don't touch GabeN's hat and skin sales". TF2 despite being a real mess and valve's server being practically unplayable, still brings in millions of dollars of gambling money, and now that CS2 keys are not tradable TF2 keys are in demand for laundering money. of course they are gonna take down a direct remake of their live service game minus all the bots and shitty cosmetics.

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