My favorite bird! So beautiful!
Woman are always charmed by being sexually compared to food by old men on buses.
Trick-pissing champ here, the real homies bank their shots off the shower walls first before swirling it around the bowl for the finale. If I've been drinking heavily the night before, I'll piss fakey or throw in some yoga poses to up the challenge. The only way to be great is to push yourself a little farther each time you step up to the bowl.
Can purchasing anything within the system of monstrous exploitation called global capitalism be justified?
Technically, floating point also imitates irrational and whole numbers as well. Not all numbers though, you'd need a more uhm... elaborate structure to represent complex numbers, surreal numbers, vectors, matrices, and so on.
Straight from Blade Runner
The French Quarter has retractable bollards in that area. They had been temporarily removed for upgrades ahead of the Super Bowl. At least that's the story circulating here.
For as much as people talk it up, I thought there was a lot to it. There isn't.
A dialectic is a tool for thinking through a problem or idea. You start with an idea or concept (called the Thesis) and then you consider the forces and concepts that lie in opposition to the chosen one (called the Antithesis). After considering both, you try to understand the relationships between the two things and how they support, oppose, and generate each other. This unified understanding of how the two concepts are actually one concept through these connections is called the Synthesis.
Dialectical Materialism is applying the dialectic as a tool while also keeping in mind physical/material reality and the ways in which physical/material constraints influence these things.
For example you might ask "Why do rebellions occur in formally peaceful states?" Your thesis is "rebellion" and so your antithesis is something like "the state" or "status quo." Through materialism, you'd ask questions like "where do the rebels/state acquire food, shelter, weapons, etc. What is the role of poverty in fomenting rebellion?"
Through synthesis, you would come to conclusions like "the people pay taxes to fund the state, but some people also devote a larger share of their time and resources to the rebellion." Or: "Rebel recruitment goes up after police crackdowns, a lighter hand with policing may reduce re-occurrences of riots."
Because this isn't ideal dialectics (not "ideal" like optimal but "ideal" as in "concerning ideas and immaterial things.") So we'd be less concerned with "what is the rebellions stated aim" or "what is the state's majority religion?" you can make these questions material though: "what do the rebels hope to gain materially" or "how is the state religion funded and enforced?"
And although I'm just riffing an example, in real life when using this tool to convince others of your sound logic, it is best to have actual references and data to support the conclusions derived. This gives reality to the material considerations.
It's only "wage theft"
when they take time from you.
But slack off for what's left:
shocked pikachu
This is called manufacturing consent. News media tells you what future the elites want so it seems inevitable and desired when they force it through. Alternative futures can never be considered.
Actually on second glance I think the setting is a train or subway. (there are people sitting in a line around them, and they're holding a pole like in the middle of public transit vehicles.)