[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 31 points 3 months ago

Damn. I thought it was me, but scrolling through Everything & Top Day is just filled with rage bait and doom news. I rarely find something uplifting. And I usually find myself more anxious after reading through them.

I really want Lemmy to thrive, that's why I am here, but I used to be able to filter all that shit in reddit and still have a bunch of funny dumb simple happy posts. If I do that here I get no posts back..

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 28 points 5 months ago

I just hate how fast we reacted to that damn turtle with a plastic straw in its nose and now we will forever suck on moist paper straws for the rest of our lives if we are lucky. But we do shit about the real bulk of the plastic in our oceans. Oh but the cute turtle... We must act now!!!

The world is doomed by greed brothers. We are fucked.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 22 points 5 months ago

I like this one... Because I understood it!!!! Plus it's funny.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 29 points 6 months ago

Damn. Any source on cause of death?

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 29 points 6 months ago

I had to double back to your comment because at first I glances at it and thought yeah... Then I thought about it some more and thought .... Yes! That is exactly how they work. Papers plus or minus but that is the way they work. We all agree upon it and bam. You are now named!

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 21 points 7 months ago

My Samsung phone does have that feature in the My Files app that comes pre installed. I don't use it because File Manager+ is so much better. And I have access to my SFTP, LAN and NAS. I am not associated with the app. Just enjoy it and recommend it because I find it very useful.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 22 points 8 months ago

Pancake... lol

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 24 points 8 months ago

That dude with 800 hours saying it's OK lol

This game is a solid 10. Really addictive and balanced. Very well done.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 19 points 9 months ago

Has anyone in their 30s 40s 50s had a sudden change of perception of our own mortality? I found myself thinking a lot about it recently (no significant events around me). I just find life so ephemeral now as compared to how I used to see life so grand and long it might as well have been infinite. Not anymore. I guess it's part of growing old. Anyone else feel similar?

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 30 points 9 months ago

There soon will be because EUR turned their arm into opening the chat protocol. As soon as that happens expect other chats to be able to talk to whatsapp without the oficial app. So hopefully... Soon.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 20 points 9 months ago

Place a box with sand near the area you want to protect. Move it further away a feet or so by day. In 10 days that cat will be shitting wherever you guided it to. Leave the box and or the sand. Done.

Low cost. Low effort. No animal cruelty. No dealing with neighbor. Effective.

[-] chepox@sopuli.xyz 25 points 10 months ago

It's a matter of numbers. Like sports. You get the best by having a large pool of possible posts to rise to your attention. Reddit gets a bunch of posts that never get read. Lemmy we read pretty much all of them. There are some good posts here and there in Lemmy but not to the level of reddit. And until Lemmy gets reddit numbers it will suffer from "athletes" from small towns vs athletes from big cities. No contest.

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