So, what does this OP actually mean?
That Americans are evil people? That America is a terrible place? That nothing America does is ever good?
You're making this out to be some kind of deep constructive criticism. So that's the part I need explained.
Americans are not the caricatures of evil and malice you seem to think we are.
Just in case you're sincerely confused, no I'm not suggesting that.
That proposal died in Congress 7 years ago.
We Americans are not the monstrous caricatures you make us out to be. We're not evil. We're not wicked. And the US is not some dystopian nightmare. It's actually a pretty good place to live.
Literally the first comment was disagreeing.
Except the OP's point would be much better made by criticizing something the US doesn't actually do pretty well at.
Wouldn't it?
Then somehow I'm in the wrong thread.
That's ridiculous.
My point is that it's a bad example.
Your just keeping an ultra narrow focus because you think it’s helping hide that fact
No I'm not.
I get what the tweet is trying to say. What I'm saying is that wheelchair accessibility is a particularly bad example for that point.
Because the US law was passed in 1990.
The context of this thread is my criticism of that example.
So, what does this OP actually mean?
That Americans are evil people? That America is a terrible place? That nothing America does is ever good?
You're making this out to be some kind of deep constructive criticism. So that's the part I need explained.