[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 3 points 1 month ago

I didn't link Wikipedia because people like you tend to jump on links to Wikipedia with big brain takes about how the article is probably controlled by whoever their boogeyman is.

Both the articles I linked, SCMP which you dismissed because it has China in its name and Daily Telegraph are from the Wikipedia article references if you care to look.

There is nothing to be skeptical about in terms of my sources. There is at this point no credible evidence he was the high level Chinese defecting spy he was presented as initially (just like they're presenting this one). At this point, it would be incumbent on anyone claiming he is a high level defecting spy to prove it, because even the Australians realized they were had and gave up on suggesting that. Or maybe not so much had as no longer useful for their purpose of pushing a narrative.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 2 points 1 month ago

Good job with your shrewd skepticism in support of the narrative!

Daily Telegraph also in on the Chinese conspiracy: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/60-minutes-chinese-spy-liqiang-wang-refused-asylum-in-australia/news-story/d9ee85e40bb4e452088221a09a2e4dfd

Also the judges in Australia behind the news story. Conspiracy goes all the way down.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 3 points 1 month ago

I thought this story seemed awfully familiar but was like wait didn't that so-called Chinese spy turn out to be a total fraud?

Turns out that was the last breathless story about a Chinese spy detector from this outlet: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-23/chinese-spy-wang-liqiang-seeks-political-asylum-australia-report/11732174

Turned out to be a fraud but I guess they found a new one to present without questioning or contextualizing with last time: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3206318/chinese-spy-who-claimed-he-undermined-hong-kong-protest-movement-facing-deportation-australia-over

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 5 points 7 months ago

This send like the relevant bit:

Qualcomm said in a statement smartphone makers have “indicated a preference towards standards-based solutions” for satellite-to-phone connectivity.

“We expect to continue to collaborate with Iridium on standards-based solutions while discontinuing efforts on the proprietary solution that was introduced earlier this year,” the company said.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 4 points 7 months ago

This is such a eyerolling take based on stereotypes.

Before America banned Huawei, Huawei was widely recognized as having the best camera system on a phone. Under your worldview they can't invent anything themselves and somehow borrowed their way into being the best.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 3 points 8 months ago

Really annoys me how Android is always closing my apps in the background like how even I switch back to the browser it has to reload the whole page. More RAM sounds good to me!

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 2 points 9 months ago

I see a lot of people online saying this kind of thing, though I gotta wonder if it's mostly old people who can't adapt new paradigms.

I would never buy a computer without touch anymore. The thing the ergonomics argument misses is just because you have touch doesn't mean you can't use a mouse (or touchpad) also when it makes more sense. Tiredness is never an issue for me.

There are some things that are just infinitely more natural with touch, using an electronic device that lacks touch just feels like using incredibly outdated technology to me now.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 5 points 9 months ago

Your phone keyboard statistical engine is not a very insightful comparison to the neural networks that power LLMs. They're not the same technology at all and just share the barest minimum superficial similarities.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 3 points 10 months ago

Wouldn't this justify vandalizing any type of machine whatsoever? Get in an elevator and nobody is looking? Stab the control panel so they have to get a human in the future making the elevator. See a car and no one is looking? Set it on fire so they have to use a human pulled rickshaw instead.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 5 points 10 months ago

Wow that seems like a strange permission to have as default. It doesn't seem like very many apps have a legitimate need for listing other installed apps unless I'm missing something.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 4 points 10 months ago

Again, just anti consumer bullshit spearheaded by Apple and gargled by Samsung.

Samsung was actually one of the later Android manufacturers to drop it is my recollection.

[-] chaircat@lemdro.id 1 points 10 months ago

Games haven't been truly good for a long time

Meanwhile, here I am loving gaming and thinking we're in a golden age of gaming compared to my youth...

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