[-] bownage@beehaw.org 12 points 2 weeks ago

There was a premium lite for 7 bucks but they discontinued it in October as part of their 'fuck all yall' campaign

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 22 points 1 month ago

Getting married in 2 days!!


I'm excited and stressed at the same time. It's been such a ride and the day hasn't even happened yet. Idk if I'll be happier during or when it's finally done. Either way, definitely looking forward to both the wedding day and to decompressing afterwards

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 10 points 2 months ago

Just came back from my parents to cuddle our family dog one last time before she'll be euthanised this Friday. It was rough. I love her so much and she's been there for such an essential part of my life (12-27). I'm going to miss her so much. I'm happy she got to have a long and happy life, but I'm also glad she won't have to live in pain anymore - her back joints are completely worn out. Combined with the reduced vision and hearing and incontinence, I'm sure it's her time to go. It's just hard :(

I remember having to unsub from r/dogpictures back when I was on reddit because 80% was just pics of 'this is my dog who just died' - it's just too much. So I won't do the same to you by posting pics here, but anyone who wants a cute doggo pic is welcome to dm me 🐕

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 9 points 3 months ago

Cool, thanks for sharing!

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 9 points 5 months ago

I'm on book 1 so far but it's already quite an accomplishment for me to be reading again. I used to read on my 1h train commute but since I got a new job and the train is only 20 mins anymore I pretty much stopped reading altogether. I've decided to get back into it anyway even though it's only small boats at a time, and I'm really happy to be back :)

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 15 points 6 months ago

Can you explain how it's 100% super obvious? I thought a popular platform with many users entering the fediverse might be good for exposure but it seems like the consensus here is that it's actually bad. Help me understand how it's bad?

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

Autumn is coming around and I'm realising very quickly that my existing autumn wardrobe is really not gender affirming :(

I'm going to try to order a bunch of new clothes and really take my time thinking about what I want and need. Scariest thing is definitely getting clothes that I can wear to work because my coworkers don't know I'm nonbinary and I've been especially closeting myself in terms of clothing and accessories. I'm not sure if I'm ready for the conversation but I'm also noticing that I'll soon hit a point where presenting masc every day will just break me.

Advice is definitely appreciated. I really don't like where I'm at rn but at the same time I also feel like a coward for being afraid to change anything.

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 12 points 8 months ago

I'm fine, very worried about my Israeli friends though. They're a straight couple with kids and were already looking to emigrate because of the current government, but now that's been kind of put on hold because the guy got drafted :( rest of the family left the country so I'm just praying they'll be reunited. Not much else I can do I think.

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 20 points 9 months ago

I was happily using Lite as well and them just announcing it's discontinuing in a month feels really unfair. I don't want the added functionality of youtube premium. I don't want to pay €15 a month for the same thing I had before for half the money. Now I have to find an alternative, and I think for me it will also be ad blockers and piracy. I'll miss casting youtube to my TV ad free though...

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 10 points 10 months ago

It's going pretty well, started my new job this week after 3.5 months unemployed!

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 50 points 11 months ago

Actually one of the conclusions from both the Science and Nature articles were that they mostly fuel far right radicalisation, not so much polarisation (which implies both ends of the political spectrum). Which I guess means leftists are generally either more capable of spotting misinformation or less inclined to act on it.

[-] bownage@beehaw.org 9 points 11 months ago

Because reproduction is a lot easier than education


Indian cress / Garden Nasturtium


submitted 1 year ago by bownage@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Beehaw 🐝🤠 folks,

I'm a quite recent but avid subscriber to dropout.tv and I was wondering if there are any others here? I know there's a pretty active community on reddit so maybe there's some overlap? :)

I'd love to discuss their content here 🙏

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joined 1 year ago