[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 3 points 7 hours ago

I'm gonna be king of the recaps! ๐Ÿ‘’


I noticed with QPR3, the back gesture in Sync now shows a black screen during the animation.

Could this be fixed? I read it'll become default in Android 15.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 2 points 2 days ago

I can testify for AMD. It just works on the 7900xtx.

Early last year it had issues buy they pushed a driver update and its perfect now.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 4 points 3 days ago

This may seem odd, but check if your mobo has a bios update. Often bios break uefi standards to appease Microsofts non-standard requirements.

These get fixed overtime as ACPI bugs are fixed.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 9 points 3 days ago

Adding to this if you rub Plex from Docker, and you tell systemd to start docker on machine start you can also have the Plex container start automatically.

Then you dont even have to worry about logging in.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 2 points 3 days ago

As opposed to gitter.im? I found the gitter communities to be very helpful.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 76 points 2 weeks ago

The BS really makes the follow up statement believable

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 53 points 1 month ago

Rather than delete, modify the question so its wrong. Then the ai will hallucinate.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 79 points 1 month ago

That's in game.load_dlc() we opted not to include that until our game is already beloved on steam.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 140 points 3 months ago


They put a woman in prison over this and she didn't even intend to illegally vote.

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 63 points 3 months ago

Why are you using discord to compare and not literally any other app on the computer that actually has working scaling?

[-] bitwolf@lemmy.one 55 points 4 months ago

There is an easy fix here:

Require mergers to refund customers impacted as part of the merger.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bitwolf@lemmy.one to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

I don't know if this is desired, however I personally would appreciate compatibility reports for newly released games.

Since I preordered with early access I can contribute.


CPU: 7800x3d
GPU: 7900xtx Nitro+
Memory: 32gb ddr5 6000mhz
OS: Fedora 38 KDE (Wayland session)
Runtime: Proton Experimental

Game launches flawlessly and remains stable when alt+tab'ing out of the window.

Steam overlay flickers if you open it in game but does function.


4k medium, VSync off, no FSR gets me mid 60's fps.

4k medium, VSync off, FSR2 Quality gets me 80fps (with dips into low 70's).

(Default) 4k medium, VSync off, FSR2 with 50% resolution scale. In this configuration I get 100-120fps.

Unfortunately, the game does not have VRR so it locks to the monitors refresh rate (manually set to 120hz in my case).

As such the game does stutter when it dips in frames so you may want to target your 1% lows or avg fps to guarantee a smooth experience.


At medium the game does look good, although the sprites for fire could be better and have more bloom.

If they add VRR, and steadily work to optimize performance this could easily reach a 10/10.

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