[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 5 points 8 hours ago

From my perspective, if used for work, automatic security updates should be mandatory. Linux is damn impressive with live patch. With thousands or even tens of thousands of endpoints, it's negligent to not patch.

Features? Don't care. But security updates are essential in a large organisation.

The worst part of the Linux fan base is the users who hate forced updates, and also don't believe in AV. Ok on your home network that's not very risky compared to a corp network with a million student and staff personal information often with byo devices only a network segment away and APT groups targeting you because they know your reputation is worth something to ransom.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 2 points 2 days ago

Glad you got it working, interesting if the slicer itself was the problem.. When you're loading a file to the printer on my elegoo I'll be able to check the actual layer settings which is ultimately the key since that's how long the lcd will light up and cure the resin.

However supports and rafts are heavily influenced by the slicer so any issues there could be resolved by the slicer software.

Otherwise your hygiene cleaning all sounds like good practice regardless both to remove variables and maintenance.

Glad you got it sorted

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 3 points 4 days ago

I've been thinking of running something using second hand usb cameras and raspberri pi 3+ since my switch already has poe and my nas has 40tb.

I have a 3d printer so a wall mount enclosure shouldn't be hard either.

Was thinking of mounting them on the window frames indoors.

Nvr software like this might work: https://github.com/seydx/camera.ui

Tailscale will allow me to access the Web front end anywhere on my devices. Individually it could hold the RPis too just for remote troubleshooting later if anything happens.

Personally I'd like to reuse as many things that I already own and have no specific reliance on a vendor. If I got a rstp camera later, I wouldn't need a pi to host the camera. But I've got a couple of pis and a couple of usb webcam to start. It won't work for night mode so I'll have to make sure the outdoor lights are triggered by motion.

But I've not done anything yet this is all how I've thought about it in my head. So I'm watching this space to learn more too.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 51 points 2 weeks ago

What do you do with Home Assistant?

"Oh well I automate a noise complaint form submission. It's integrated with my noise level detector and with a custom python lookup for the most recent airplane departure"

(that guy probably)

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 16 points 1 month ago

Reasonably sure they mean telegram. Only secret chats are encrypted. Telegrams chat otherwise is basically transport layer encryption.


[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 13 points 1 month ago

Australian native bees can't sting, do a great job of pollinating, and make a little honey on the side. They're very curious from experience with a swarm making a home on my water meter box, but not very scary.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 22 points 2 months ago

The Nintendo lawyers are full time, this is just a Thursday to them. You're keeping those lawyers employed by giving them work.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 21 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The messaging around this so far doesn't lead me to want to follow the fork on production. As a sysadmin I'm not rushing out to swap my reverse proxy.

The problem is I'm speculating but it seems like the developer was only continuing to develop under condition that they continued control over the nginx decision making.

So currently it looks like from a user of nginx, the cve registration is protecting me with open communication. From a security aspect, a security researcher probably needs that cve to count as a bug bounty.

From the developers perspective, f5 broke the pact of decision control being with the developer. But for me, I would rather it be registered and I'm informed even if I know my configuration doesn't use it.

Again, assuming a lot here. But I agree with f5. That feature even beta could be in a dev or test environment. That's enough reason to know.

Edit:Long term, I don't know where I'll land. Personally I'd rather be with the developer, except I need to trust that the solution is open not in source, but in communication. It's a weird situation.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 36 points 4 months ago

I mean, the rdp is from Linux to Windows for desktop application access, so it's the right tool for that job.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 14 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Seems like my Samsung TV app is being hit by stuff too, I had 5 unskippable ads and can't seem to get stable 1080p at 60fps any more despite gigabit fibre and cat6. Meanwhile getting 4k on my YouTube app on Android on WiFi.

Go figure.

YouTube is so desperate to fight this war that they're harming legitimate watchers meanwhile my rockpi running Android TV seems to keep running sTube just fine.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 17 points 7 months ago

My favourite thing is that files are sorted automatically by date if you use yyyy-mm-dd. Sometimes there are just practical reasons.

[-] biscuitswalrus@aussie.zone 13 points 7 months ago

It takes a hash.

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