[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 hours ago

If you ever go to a museum and look at what artifacts they have from the dark ages, it's like 99% metal stuff. Just statistical I guess. I think even a gemstone would normally be attached to a piece of jewelry and not just loose on its own. The other big one is pottery and other earthwares, but I guess the idea of that law is to protect whatever they can.

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 8 points 5 hours ago

I've done playthroughs as both. I think they both have excellent voice acting. But I think the character of Shepard as Earth's military golden boy/girl works better with the standard military jarhead looking guy. IMO he embodies the generic "John Masseffect" energy better.

It's funny because the games do let you customize the appearance, race, and hairstyle of Shephard, but to me he will always be that default settings buzzcut guy with a fivehead and big jaw.

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 18 points 6 hours ago

Lol yeah, the things that are actually emitting half of every back-and-forth radio communication between a device and a cell tower

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 39 points 6 hours ago

Lol don't tell them about all the radio frequencies around them all the time

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 2 points 7 hours ago

Wood doesn't survive from the Viking age to the present

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 1 points 7 hours ago

You tip at Wendy's?

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 2 points 8 hours ago

"You know what's better than having a warhammer...?"

Playing Warhammer?

Jkjk, that's a much more expensive hobby than collecting historical weapons

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 1 points 22 hours ago

First it was @fookreddit69@lemm.ee, then it was @Kimdracula@lemm.ee, then it was @BlowMe@lemmy.world, and now @SORROW@lemmy.world

He's a toxic, attention seeking incel. Each of his accounts' creation lines up exactly with the previous one getting banned for too much toxic posting.

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago

OP's on his 4th account! This one was created less than an hour after the last one got banned.

For those curious, first it was @fookreddit69@lemm.ee, then it was @Kimdracula@lemm.ee, then it was @BlowMe@lemmy.world, and now this.

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 day ago

Like a Roomba?

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 32 points 2 days ago

Lots of stocks did. Everyone knew he would do things that benefit the large corpos (lower taxes, slash environmental regulation, remove labour rights). But then of course he got to claim the economy was doing good since American media thinks "stock market" = "the economy"

[-] bionicjoey@lemmy.ca 26 points 2 days ago

It depends on the time period. Pre-Sozin, probably Fire Nation, since they hadn't slid into fascism yet and were living basically in a golden age of prosperity.

Post-Sozin until the end of the war, it depends on my ethnicity. If I'm ethnically Firish, probably the Fire Nation colony cities in the EK. They benefited economically from the FN imperialism but didn't really have to live with the police state fascism of the mainland FN. If I'm anything other than Firish, I'd want to live in Ba Sing Se or Omashu. For like 99% of the war they didn't have to deal with hardly any of the consequences of the war, other than a refugee crisis from the rest of the EK. Only during the last year of the war did they have to live in Vichy Earth Kingdom.

Postwar, any big city in either the FN or EK.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

The game seems to downscale and blur all textures, so the only thing that looks sharp is text and 3d models. Unfortunately some of the UI text seems to actually be a rendered texture, so the text of some UI elements can look blurry and pixelated. It also seems that the blurring is a live process, not a preprocess. This means that a lot of the UI elements are constantly flickering on top of being blurry.

Overall I love the game FWIW. I picked it up this week and love the gameplay loop. I'm just amazed it gets the green checkmark despite having such glaring UI issues with the default graphics settings (which are ostensibly tailored to the Deck)

Can anyone tell me if this can be fixed?

Edit: I had half-rate shading turned on and didn't realize it. I'm an idiot.

submitted 2 months ago by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?

submitted 2 months ago by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/android@lemmy.world

I live in Canada. My girlfriend is Chinese (also living in Canada), and while we are able to communicate via SMS, her mobile carrier isn't the best, and so there have often been issues for us with regular texting. She expressed a strong preference to use WeChat, at least as a backup option for when texting fails us. While I have some pretty significant reservations, it's not the hill I want to die on. So my question is: what can be done to use WeChat without compromising my whole phone? I'm okay with it if our conversations aren't private, but I'd like to know that I'm not giving unfettered access to all of my phone's systems and data to the CCP. What can be done to limit the reach of this ubiquitous app on my device?


Seriously this was very surprising. I've been experimenting with GrayJay since it was announced and I largely think it's a pretty sweet app. I know there are concerns over how it isn't "true open source" but it's a hell of a lot more open than ReVanced. Plus, I like the general design and philosophy of the app.

I updated the YouTube backend recently and to my surprise and delight they had added support for SponsorBlock. However, when I went to enable it, it warned me "turning this on harms creators" and made me click a box before I could continue.

Bruh, you're literally an ad-blocking YouTube frontend. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to be facilitating ad-blocking and then at the same time shame the end-user for using an extension which simply automates seeking ahead in videos. Are you seriously gonna tell me that even without Sponsorblock, if I skip ahead past the sponsored ad read in a video, that I'm "harming the creator"?

submitted 8 months ago by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/risa@startrek.website

I assume that of course we are posting the iconic Lower Decks character who is Peanuthamper's father.

submitted 10 months ago by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

The party finds a secret door. Not knowing what's on the other side, they send the fighter in first. The fighter pushes open the secret door. As it swings forward it pushes aside a corpse on the other side that apparently died trying to pry open the secret door and escape from the next room.

The fighter steps over the corpse, walks into the room, looks around, sees there are no enemies immediately attacking him, and says to the rest of the party "come on in guys, looks like it's safe in here!"

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by bionicjoey@lemmy.ca to c/board_games@lemmy.ca

I just played Codenames for the first time and was in the situation of needing to clue "Ninja" and "Czech" for the win. Ended up going with "Defenestrate". My teammates didn't end up getting it but I'm still proud of coming up with anything that could link those two words.

What are some you've played that were memorable?

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