
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Mine are all named after dairy products.

I have whey as the main docker host and first mon, milk as my main x86 osd, leben-{1,2} as more (arm64) osds, kumis-{1,2,3} as more (arm64) mons, kefir and ghee are old x86 mons (maybe Ill repurpose them as docker hosts someday. I have lassi-{1,2} as rpi 3b+ but they arent in use at the moment because I dont need them yet. Ive got pytia as my spine, and yoghurt as my edge, leaf is l2 so no hostname.

My main windows gaming pc is butter, the wifes pc is something similar but its not turned on and I cbf checking router logs.

[–] 5 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Also all the actual good content (raids) are not explained and you need to herd some cats to do them. Which is even harder if you're learning them.

The best time I had with destiny was when I had a clan and a couple of the more experienced players would take a bunch of newbies through. Then we could fuck around and not be completely lost.

[–] 9 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Wube is the kind of game dev company that would invent a new algorithm (like the fast inverse square root in quake) and not tell anyone until some insane player realised that their in-game circuit network ARM CPU simulation ran 20% faster than it theoretically should. Then they would publish a Friday facts about it once and move on.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Right. I guess I just loathe the relentless commodification of our social interactions and one of the things I like about mastodon isthath the "always be promoting your personal brand" thing is notably absent. It reminds me of early social media, before people became brainrotted chasing the influencer lifestyle. I guess I just don't think you can have an algorithm for that kind of thing because then the connections aren't real.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

My point was that creators should want to disconnect from these artificial engagement driven systems that make people care about their "brand" and all that corpo bullshit.

I don't think mastodon has to do anything to draw creators to it, it is what it is and many people like it that way. I don't like the fake, engagement driven, clout goblin mentality that infests instagram and if mastodon started doing things to cultivate that vibe I would consider it a bug not a feature.

[–] 9 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I'm sorry but that's because you are treating Mastodon like an advertising platform, not a social network.

engagement is slim to none compared to say, Instagram

This is because Instagram is an ad platform with social features.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago

LLMs are expert systems, who's expertise is making believable and coherent sentences. They can "learn" to be better at their expert task, but they cannot generalise into other tasks.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Thanks, some of it is legal content that has just been sitting locked away on a hard drive for years while I work out what to do with it.

A friend who does archival stuff for govt keeps giving me stuff all like "hey check out this weird thing!" with some ancient film or something. It would be nice to share that, I'll have a look at posting those to the IA.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago

Haha nearly got you! :-P


I have novel data, I have created torrents and seeding. Where do I put these torrents? I just want these data to be free like bald eagle, screeching in sky.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

My threat model doesn't need to include people hacking my locks. The average junkie breaking into my house to steal shit isnt doing it with the blessing of some hacking group. There are no cat-burgulars coming for my collection of antique dildos. I can definitely understand not e-locks for a museum or a bank, but they use integrated security systems that are far out of reach of home users. Another point is that the tumblers in most home door locks are trivial to pick, more trivial than hacking an e-lock.

[–] 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

When I installed digital locks my partner was paranoid about them until I reminded her that we live in a house with a lot of windows. If someone is going to the lengths to crack my lock rather than smashing my windows, we have other problems.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

You don't do it in flux, you do it in the panel options in Grafana.

On your original question you can set the Telegraf hostname in the config, for docker stuff I just use omit_hostname = true

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