[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 19 points 9 months ago

Probably five or six years ago when I was around 20 I went with my Uncle and his family to the beach. After we were finished and the sun began to go down, we washed off in our swimsuits in the outdoor showers.

Nearby they had some benches to sit on that were made out of the same concrete as the ground, smoothly sloping up out of it to form each bench. I was walking across one of these waiting for the rest of the family to finish rinsing off, and extremely stupidly walked down the end, down the slope, which, of course, was completely slick wet from being near the showers.

As soon as my first foot touches the slope, I slip backwards, with just enough time before impact to think "I really fucked up, this might not be good at all..."

The back of my head impacted the concrete slope of the bench, and it hurt like a mother fucker, but I didn't lose consciousness or awareness. After gripping my head and cursing for a few seconds my Uncle arrived at me and found my head to be bleeding, but the cut was not so wide as to need stitches.

We returned to his house nearby and after my head clotted up, i realized I needed to drive myself home, 40 minutes away on the freeway, and I felt... a bit dazed after the impact. I didn't feel sleepy at all, and after waiting for about half an hour, I decided I had to go home. I felt a little foggy until the next day, or maybe I'm just that foggy now and Im used to it.

There's a scar where hair doesn't grow, and sometimes I wonder if my universe forked to keep me alive somehow and I was supposed to just die instead, because it was entirely created by my idiocy and if seems silly I got that lucky. Sometimes I have dreams still where I'll slip on something and relive the sequence of slipping, accepting the imminent possibility of death, and everything sort of slows down increasingly until I fade to white and wake up.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 27 points 9 months ago

Fuck, you got really lucky. There were so many aspects of that whole situation that you could've died from, even just the ladder.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 49 points 9 months ago

Because games are an interactive medium, in an action game, you're basically responding to visual information on screen, making a judgment, and responding to it by performing input.

The more frames that happen per second, the more information you're able to receive in the same amount of time, which is why frames are most important in driving games, fighting games, or twitch shooters. Things happen very fast in those games, so having less frames a second puts you at a small, but very real disadvantage.

The visual info on screen also represents your inputs since you control it. In an action game, higher FPS means you see your character responding to your inputs more quickly, which feels perceptibly better.

You can get used to 30 FPS just fine, but certain, mostly action, games are simply better with higher FPS, whether you're the kind of person who cares or plays competitively or not. Believe it or not even going from 60 to 120 is still a noticeable change.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 41 points 10 months ago

I wouldn't necessarily say unfun, but "not for me". Stardew Valley. I went in ready to relax and farm, but oh God, time moves quickly! And I only have limited energy per day. That wombo combo when I was starting out just stressed me out and I didn't get into it immediately.

I know there are mods for it or that it's a good game even with the time, but out of all possible farming type games there were plenty more my speed than Stardew.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 35 points 10 months ago

In terms of mods it depends on if the game already releases with mod support. What that means is usually that the game will either accept raw texture, sounds, scripts etc. files in whatever formats the game understands, and it'll allow those to overwrite the files usually used by the game, or otherwise take them and attach them to new characters or items added to the games by the mod scripts.

Sometimes this requires the players to create mod tools to more easily create and modify the files the game will accept since how mods are handled is usually proprietary, or the game will actually have its own developer released mod tools such as Fallout 3's GECK.

Sometimes games don't natively allow mods but have a dedicated enough userbase that reverse engineers enough code to figure out how to inject mods. Usually this is many, many times more complicated and the extent of possible mods are usually simple replacements of textures or models, and nothing as complex as deeply scripted mods.

Sometimes games are not moddable at all due to being heavily encrypted or the userbase just not being dedicated enough. ENBs are not exactly the same as mods, so you'll often find games that aren't moddable still have mod site entries for ENBs even though you can't replace any textures or anything like that.

I'm not a real modder, so some of this info may be quite vague or not entirely correct, but hopefully that gives a good overview.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 23 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)


edit: didn't mean to reply this, I violated the law

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 22 points 10 months ago

Make it so that when you arrive home you're never allowed to put your keys in the same place more than once.

Forgot something in the car and have to go back out? Time to find a new spot...

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 191 points 10 months ago

He'll only tell you what the job duties are AFTER you're hired and YOU have to pay to be hired? For $10/hr? Even if that wasn't a straight up scam I wouldn't invest time, money, and effort into signing up and doing onboarding if I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

Hard to say exactly what's going on there with that little info, though.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 29 points 10 months ago

Skyrim with actually good melee combat, much greater magic variety, companions who are smarter and not suicidal, horses who can move around with logical sense, more biome variety as much as I love what's already there, factions that don't end in you ruling all of them at once...

Turns out Skyrim gets a lot right but there are tons of things that could be much better.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 23 points 10 months ago

It's an interesting idea. If they always were intelligent, then yes, they'd probably have their own nation, or maybe they'd even be integrated with us in a society that accommodates for both of our form factors, but I'm sure there'd be terrible racism concerns because if we're this bad to people who look relatively similar to each other, then we'd be just terrible to a very different intelligent race.

But, if they suddenly became sentient through some sci Fi artifact or event, that'd be a whole other thing, and the process and debate of giving them rights and what to do about it would be complex and an ethical minefield on what to do or don't do. Probably planet of the apes. But with cats and dogs.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 17 points 10 months ago

The studio has changed. Just because Fallout 4 wasn't a "true RPG" doesn't mean I didn't have nigh on 400 hours of novel joy with it, maybe even because it wasn't just another core Bethesda RPG but because it was something new, a new kind of looting and crafting experience in that same large, dynamic open world that Bethesda could bring through. Morrowind was over 20 years ago. Bethesda isn't the one making those kinds of games anymore.

Have the games gotten shallower as RPGs? Sure. Fucking pac man is shallow at this point, does that mean everyone should hate on it en masse? If you don't like the direction Bethesda is going that's completely understandable, but it just seems absurd that people come out of the woodwork in these threads to just poop on a game that isn't even out yet. Save that for when it releases and it does or doesn't meet your expectations, as of now it just sounds like everybody is trying to get as entrenched as possible in their prejudice.

Bethesda games are buggy, what an old meme. It's more of a meme than a true criticism now because most games have bugs, especially ones as large as Bethesda games, and even on launch I've played other Bethesda games and enjoyed myself just fine. It's good to be cautiously skeptical and not pre order, you should be skeptical, but swinging all the way past that to being hard-line negative is not the right answer either.

And I know you personally are not reflecting all of these views, your comment just comes off as supportive of both genuine and over the top memetic criticisms due to replying in a seemingly justifying manner to someone confused about the buggy game comments. When it comes to those sorts of comments I'm talking generally about what I've seen from people on this platform.

I'm not saying Starfield will be an old Bethesda return to form or bug free on release, I'm just saying be cautious, not completely pedal to the metal negative, and accept that Bethesda as it was is dead.

[-] all-knight-party@kbin.cafe 27 points 10 months ago

Theoretically, you can't. If text you posted federates out to other servers deleting it locally won't delete it out there, I don't believe.

So, once it's up, it's up, wasting evenings deleting your stuff won't really stop it

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