[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 3 points 11 hours ago

New Seth Traveller video just dropped!

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 1 points 14 hours ago

It’s the plastic lower, isn’t it?

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 5 points 16 hours ago

Audacious with Winamp skins it’s where it’s at.

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 2 points 19 hours ago


[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 16 points 1 day ago

You… tasted a septum ring?

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 1 points 1 day ago

Drama every once in a while can be good, especially if you’re not there to suffer from the fallout.

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

Modern houses with their insulated walls and double windows are better at withstanding summer than the ones I’ve lived in while my only solace for 85+ degree nights was a fan.

I’m all for demanding proper maintenance from landlords, even if it’s not on the lease. You visit a unit that has a thermostat on it, that’s advertising it has a working AC. It’s disingenuous from the landlord to claim the AC is decorative.

But claiming air conditioning is essential is utter horseshit.

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 31 points 3 days ago

Answering the question in the image: machine learning arose from the industrial control world. The idea was to teach a machine how to detect defects in supposedly identical objects out of a manufacturing line, most often with “machine vision” (ie. a camera). Applying it to humans was asinine.

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

the time for gubernatorial action — to sign or veto the bill — has lapsed.

What does this mean? Is this Shroedinger’s law? Is the law in effect?

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 3 points 4 days ago

Thankfully, he survived!

[-] acockworkorange@mander.xyz 27 points 4 days ago

Brazilian bars like this sometimes have whimsical illustrations on their walls. This place is playing on the fact that it’s barely anything more than a watering hole, selling cheap alcohol for the locals to inebriate themselves with.


I love the Linux community but it absolutely drowns the other communities in I subscribe to in my home feed. Is there a way to remove it from my home feed without unsubscribing from it?

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by acockworkorange@mander.xyz to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I would love a checkbox in the settings that would allow me to filter comments/ content from users at blocked instances.

Desired behavior: Block instance b.c, auto content filter on. Go to a post on instance x.y where user a@b.c has commented on, don’t see those comments.

Please and thank you!

Original text below because reasons I guess.

When I block an instance, I expected not to see anything from it - the nuclear option, you’d say.

However, browsing a post from another community, I still see comments from users of the blocked instance.

Is this the designed behavior? If so, is there a way to change it to block all content emanating from that server?


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by acockworkorange@mander.xyz to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I have a TrueNAS install with SMB turned on and nothing else. Even when it’s idle and nothing is accessing it, there’s constant disk activity. Very low bandwidth, but it’s like some log is in verbose mode.

TrueNAS is installed in a NVMe disk with plenty of room, and there’s only one pool. I’ve checked my snapshot configuration, nothing enabled faster than daily.

What could be causing it? How do I stop it or redirect it to the NVMe drive? I’m willing to create a partition on the NVMe drive if that’s what will do it.

Edit: thanks everyone for all the feedback, I’ll try these out and report back.


So my employer got me a business Udemy account and I want to make the most of it. What are good courses there for a home self hoster?

I’ve got a couple Docker for beginners courses.

Would an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner be any useful?

I’m looking into networking as well, so I understand VLANs, routing and firewalls.

I have a decent grasp of Linux fundamentals, but I’m outdated in administration as I haven’t been more than a user for the past 10 years.


So I wanted to get myself a Kill-a-watt. Being who I am, I wanted information regarding its accuracy, especially at low power draws. I found a comparison with a industry grade equipment (Fluke is about the best out there in handheld electrical meters). It’s not encouraging, so I thought about a more proper meter, but it’s not easy to find an actual power meter that is accurate at low loads, isn’t a hassle to install and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

What do you use? Am I overthinking it?


I am building my 3-2-1 backup system and wanted to add an external HD to my TrueNAS machine. Since it only works with ZFS, I thought of setting up that drive as a compressed, dedup ZFS volume.

I have a truckload of NVMe left on the boot drive that I could repartition and turn some of the free space as a dedup vdev for the backup drive. I don't have any other physical bays to add a dedicated drive on the machine.

A) Is that a bad idea? What are the downsides of using the boot drive like that?

B) Which tool do you recommend for local backup? I'm looking for actual incremental backup, not just a sync tool.

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