[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 71 points 5 months ago

I'd fight the shit out of you but I am afraid you are just too well hydrated and I stand no chance.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 34 points 5 months ago

When I was a kid I had two radios.

One with a cassette player in it that had a mic built in for recording. I found it in the trash.

The other was a small FM/AM alarm clock that was dangerously hot at all times and had a noise as it was an analog clock with the little cards that flipped and the such. My opa gave it to me when he said it got too hot for his liking.

It was not long before I had figured out that if I played the radio really loud on the clock, the cassette mic would record the songs onto whatever tape you had. Be it blank, or with tape over the security gaps on the top, any tape will do.

Hardest part was the timing to start and stop the tape. And making sure you were in as close to total silence as possible as the mic picked everything up.

Even if the hot buzz of the alarm clock motor fighting to flip into the next set of minutes would make it on the tape, the recording/welfare piracy continued. It was the sneezing/siblings walking in/parents making ugly sounds that were the worst as you'd have to stop the tape, rewind to the part of the tape you were using, and wait for the radio station to play the song again, so you might be able to try and tape it again.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 81 points 7 months ago

Growing up weird and poor in a very conservative and arrogant part of the prairies, I was bullied relentlessly. The teachers never did anything unless it was me fighting back, to which it was suspension and I was a bad kid.

As high school came along, I grew more and more violent to the point I wasn't a loser or a tough guy, but a snap case. The other kids thought I was edgy, the parents thought I was bound for prison, and the teachers probably had a beer when I dropped out.

My mom didn't know what to do. And this was in a time where if your kid was in therapy, it's was your failure as a parent. Combined with my disgust at the idea that I was what was broken, it was off the table. It wasn't until I was in my twenties that I went for psychological help.

By then, I was so suicidal and gone that I wouldn't be near ok until my late thirties. In my mid forties now, I look back and see myself as the potential shooter. I'm holding back my emotions right now, thinking of it. Fortunately, there were no guns at my disposal back, back then is how I feel looking back. I don't know if I'd be able to hurt anyone like that, but I'd fuck myself up.

I lay a lot of blame on a system that allowed it to happen. In a community where open racism and homophobic views were the norm at the time, teachers were as judgmental as the students in some situations. Now maybe if I were white, it'd be easier, but even the broke white kids didn't get any breaks. Especially from the teachers.

Look at me go, a meme has me fucked up thinking back and dumping online. But yeah, there it is.

I'd like to close by saying the town I grew up in is a far different place now. I've moved back and feel good here. I see teachers and bullies who don't make eye contact, will not recognize me at all (which is my favorite) and the occasional happy to see you moments. I don't communicate well in public these days, so it makes it ultra awkward, much like being in high school, talking to students you barely know.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 108 points 8 months ago

I only have one.

What's it like to be the Centaur of attention?

Annnnnnd I've been invited to be flung out of a trebuchet.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 52 points 9 months ago

Like, like like himwink wink

because fuck yeah, that'll show the world just how not into political murder. call 'em gay for each other. works every time.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 45 points 9 months ago

Gen X over here on all three like it was gonna be a party.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 172 points 9 months ago

As a dude, if a woman listens to Joe Rogan, it's a red flag.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 49 points 10 months ago

The good guy with a gun once again saves the day by shooting a pregnant woman.

God bless America.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 77 points 10 months ago

Gonna take one fucking amazing d-brand wrap to make this shit look good.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 67 points 10 months ago

For the sake of piracy, and their message, don't buy from key Gen sites, as well. They not only are flat out stealing, profiteering like mother fuckers, but over and over again.

Don't pay for organized crime when you can do it yourself if ya gotta. Cut the scalpers out.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 39 points 10 months ago

Is everything world news on lemmy about China? Like I've seen everything from crap articles saying China has a declining population like its a bad thing, or how the west looks like shit compared.

Like, it's nothing racist or offensive. Not to me at least. Just lots and lots of it being the primary topic in ways that I'm ain't too familiar with.

[-] Wage_slave@lemmy.ml 97 points 10 months ago

"The complaint said Robertson came to the attention of federal agents in March after he posted a threat against Mr Bragg on Truth Social, the social network owned by Mr Trump. The company alerted the FBI's National Threat Operations Center.

FBI agents then visited the suspect, who told them that the post was a "dream" and ended the conversation by saying: "We're done here! Don't return without a warrant!""

Not only does Truth Social narc on him, but the "dreams" defense was a true sign of just how far gone that asshole was.

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