[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 1 points 14 hours ago


[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 19 points 16 hours ago

I used to use it for remote management of my personal computer until Teamviewer flagged cookie clicker as commercial software and locked my account.

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

God dammit ~~Hi-Rez~~ Prophecy

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 35 points 3 days ago
[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 27 points 4 days ago

The problem with Arch is that it's philosophy includes having to set up everything correctly yourself rather than each package you install already being set up and preconfigured the way you'd expect it to be in other distros. You shouldn't need to be fiddling with system stuff at all with something user focused like Pop!OS since I believe it even handles nvidia drivers for you. I wouldn't be using arch myself if I didn't have significant amounts of free time to invest into chasing down every little problem I encountered using it in college.

Linux is in a weird spot right now where the two ends of the user spectrum seem to be handled well while the middle still has issues since they're not already experts or just need an internet browser to be completely happy.

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago

It might be a reference to not having macos installed.

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 53 points 4 days ago

Who the hell recommended Arch to you? Arch is for when you've been using Linux for a few years and have gotten bored waiting for the latest updates to hit your repos.

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 113 points 1 week ago

So now we have to read a community note to know a video is garbage instead of just seeing a massive dislike bar and clicking off?

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 107 points 2 months ago

Remember that forced arbitration clause that was in the news last month?

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 169 points 5 months ago

During last gamenight with the friends we decided to play halo infinite. We all had a good laugh that the two on windows were the only ones crashing

[-] Voyajer@lemmy.world 71 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Reminds me of shopping cart theory.

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