
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Wube (creators of Factorio) have the best customer policy in game development.

  • Don't go on sale so you will always pay the cheapest price.
  • if you have the game on steam you can download a DRM-free version directly from their website. (alongside all old versions)
  • Encourage the community to create mods, host your own mod portal accessible inside the game.
  • Make a good game.
  • Be open about game development through monthly blog posts.

The only way I would like it more is if the game was open source but since that's impossible to sell I will take this.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

saksa comes from saxony, which was historically a major power in the region. (My knowledge comes from CK2)

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You could have a command that recommends commands and then you select them on a drop-down list.

Alternatively if the dataset is verified you wouldn't need to worry about it running dangerous commands, since it doesn't know any. Or you could have a list of verified commands that run automatically and any command not on that list requires confirmation.

But this is missing the point that most of the time I know exactly what command I want to run so adding a LLM Is quite useless. The reason so much of linux is still relying on commands is because for a lot of people (myself included) commands are quick and efficient.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago

Ideology. every cent a capitalist doesn't make because of me is a small victory.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

As an anarchist my position is: Guns are useless until they're pointed at you. No problem with people owning them, but they should only be used to fight against systematic oppression, and (only if there is no other alternative) self defense. Otherwise guns are completely useless.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

"Hi! You're on a rock floating in space."

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

All murders happen because of emotional (killing someone in anger), economical (Theft gone wrong) or psychological (Doesn't realize it's wrong) reasons. none of these is prevented by sticking the murderer in a box after the murder.

All of these are prevented by building strong social network to manage any harmful impulses before something happens, which is something any reasonable anarchist would agree with.

Also If you think the list is incomplete then feel free to give another example.

Oh yeah also political assassinations and wars. But your comment already addresses those.

I think a better wording is that anarchy is naive. And I'd rather be naive than accept that this is the best we can come up with, because that's depressing.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I think when using words like better you are voicing your opinion and not providing any objective assessment on other peoples opinion. In this context I would interpret better as a subjective personal opinion. While a phrase like "a quote I like more from that episode: " would have also worked. In a forum using less words leading to a snappier comment is better for legibility.

But I can certainly see how the phrase could be considered negative.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

Interestingly you can believe that hierarchy is natural and still be a leftist, because coercive hierarchies (such as capitalist or the state) that the left is against prevent these natural hierarchies from emerging. The problem with the right is that they have a model of society in their mind and think that any divergence isn't natural and must be fixed (by either capitalism or the state). While the left understands that there is no reason some people can't be in power and so want's to equalize the playing field.

Human beings aren't made equally and there will always be some hierarchy in human society. Leftists just want to give everyone the opportunity to rise up the ranks instead of just the "right" people. That is why everyone must be treated equally you don't know where they exist in the hierarchy.

Technically there isn't a single social hierarchy. But multiple overlapping ones. Some people are better in some things and other are better in other things. Saying that everyone is equal is too simplified. Society is more complex than that.

But as a generalization (especially when compared to the right) it is correct.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I do not want an anarchist revolution that forces anarchy onto the entire society. That would not work. The people wouldn't accept it. I want a system where anarchism can be implemented alongside other systems so everyone, me included, can find their spot, their best way to live. I do not think everyone is an anarchist, and can live in an anarchist system. People have different values and those values impact their politics. I just want a space where anarchy can exist without being destroyed. If a person is fine working 9-5 for 5 days a week for just enough money to pay rent, buy food and maybe sometimes some clothes then that's fine. I would rather die.

The entire first two paragraphs of your statement is exactly what the CCP and USSR attempted to set up but it failed miserably due to efficiency issues, They then consolidated in to sudo fascism. How many attempts do you need to see that people in aggregate cannot form that level of trust in society or social engagement?

I do not believe that's what the USSR was trying to do, but because I wasn't there I cannot say for certain. All I can say is that if they did try to do it they failed to stop authoritarians getting to power and that was on them, not on the ideology. If you try to force a bunch of people who do not care about running their own lives and give them the power to run their own lives they will walk up to the first person telling them what to do and mindlessly do it. This is why an anarchist revolution has to be cultural as well as political. People need to want it, otherwise they won't get it.

A hundred years have past since then. Humanity has gone from an agrarian society to a post-industrial (robots) society. I think the circumstances have changed enough to make any assumptions based on past revolutions inaccurate.

Anarchism does not provide robust power to protect minorities so it does not matter if it does not allow discrimination, it cannot prevent it

The community prevents it. If someone is acting like a dick people come together and deal with it. Together. Anarchism does not provide this power because it is up to the community to decide how it works.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Okay, how to I even begin. I'm going to start with a Thank You! This comment has made me think about a lot of different aspects of my Ideology and I am genuinely grateful that your comment initiated that. Ensuring clearer understanding of my ideology is very important to me.

Let's start with the easy response. The final statement of my previous comment was very absolute.

if you remove all of the things from capitalism that make it incompatible you will end up with anarchy.

I now see that was a mistake. What I should have said instead was that it would make it more anarchistic, and you have confirmed this by suggesting methods that I believe are anarchistic. All the steps have the purpose of lessening the power structures of current society and if I would have to think about how to transition a capitalist society into an anarchist society I imagine I would come up with similar steps.

Therefor I support this "small capitalism". I see it as a stepping stone towards anarchism, because it is moving in the right direction. It just doesn't go far enough. You seem to be okay with money as a concept (and maybe wage slavery unless it falls under "equity of at the lowest levels"), I am not. I think that as long as money is a necessity to live you have the means through witch you can coerce others and remove these freedoms and safeguards put in place so in the end you will have just capitalism. Cruel, unjust and uncaring capitalism.

Removing money does not prevent against this, because anarchism also requires a lot of oversight to prevent collapsing. Money is just another vector of collapse that capitalism has. Also unlike anarchism, capitalism also does not have oversight of society by all members of society. This is the cultural anarchism I am talking about. Anarchists have no representative democracy, No political laziness. Everyone has a voice and you can't give your voice to someone else. All the individuals are collectively in charge of everything that happens in their commune, and the society is nothing more than a collection of communes.

I also believe both can coexist. Nothing about anarchism prevents collaboration with other political systems. In fact I believe that an anarchist society must have good relations with a neighboring capitalist system to survive, because otherwise the capitalists in the system have nowhere to go and will rebel, the other society functions like an overflow pipe. Also the effect works reversed as well.

Anarchism does not allow for discrimination. All forms of discrimination are antithetical to anarchism.

Also I would like to address the in anarchism capitalism is dissent argument. Is fascism dissent? or theocracy? because from an anarchist point of view all those are coercive unjust power structures, that should be dismantled. They are authoritarian and oppressive. anarchy does not allow capitalism of this. It is the same logic as the paradox of tolerance, but also I do not believe alternative systems should not be allowed to exists. as long as they respect our right to independence and self-determination I have no problem with alternate political systems existing, only if they are unreasonably oppressive (including genocidal).

I could also talk about economics but I think this comment is already long enough.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Okay, I agree. LLMs might be useful for education. But they should not replace practical experience.

I just am skeptical to everyone that says we should replace something with AI, because most of the time these decisions seem to be motivated by profit and aren't actually better.

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