[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 130 points 6 months ago

Firefox is loving every week of this as they head towards launch. Market share is guaranteed to improve.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 94 points 7 months ago

If your company is being acquired, you need to assume you, the employee, are disposable and not the reason for the acquisition.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 111 points 7 months ago

Everything has to be video huh? Based on the comments here, this could have been a text post with a paragraph of text.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 85 points 7 months ago

I whitelist sites I support on UB. Unless that sites gets obtrusive then I block it entirely.

I stopped supporting Google the moment they forgot “don’t be evil.”

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 146 points 7 months ago

Didn’t know about SponsorBlock until all this started. So many just found out ad blocking is possible.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 121 points 8 months ago

As a developer, I’ve only had people request removal of Twitter. They’d rather lose the bird than add an X.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 199 points 8 months ago

If they haven’t reached deals with AI companies by limiting the API, then why haven’t they returned access to third party app developers? They obviously see how far their engagement and quality has dropped.

I won’t use their official app, ever.

submitted 8 months ago by Tygr@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world
[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 145 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Streaming platforms are all joining in on the enshitification process.

Soon, people will join one service for one month then switch to the next.

After that, they will all begin contracts to “lock in the price.” Possibly in bundle agreements with multiple providers.

That’s when the full transition to $120+ cable costs returns, but in streaming format.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 241 points 8 months ago

YouTube is WHY I have adblockers to this day. I was Ok with the ads at the beginning and end. When they started cramming 2-3 ads in the middle of a 10 minute video, that’s when I started looking for a solution.

Their greed is why they make $0 from me many years later.

I think it’s rich they aren’t happy with people using them when they’re the ones that made the standard viewing experience awful in the first place.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 78 points 10 months ago

Is this where society is heading? Rampant theft resolved with murder to save corporations?

To them, this probably sounds easier than lowering prices, reducing CEO’s millions in pay and propping up stock prices.

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 112 points 10 months ago

They named their device “Car Thing?” Just looked it up. Why not just buy a phone mount and play through your phone?

[-] Tygr@lemmy.world 121 points 10 months ago

It’s not the rebrand that’s killing Twitter. Elon is. He’s proving to himself that he cannot, in fact, run Twitter better than the prior owners.

Southern Utah (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Tygr@lemmy.world to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

I’ve never created a subreddit before but yet here I am creating a community for Southern Utah in support of Lemmy.

Hoping to see the community support this in a small way as I attempt to submit a couple things per day.

Southern Utah !southernutah@lemmy.world

Migrate Subreddits (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Tygr@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

PSA: You should know that Settings > Migrate Subreddits exists. All you do is login to your old Reddit account, copy a “multireddit” link, paste it in Voyager and you’ll be able to search the fediverse for those topics/communities to subscribe to.

You may find communities that are missing here if you’d like to run/manage your very own community on a topic you enjoy.

Hope this helps. I just found this feature today and subscribed to a bunch of communities.

submitted 11 months ago by Tygr@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Today, not in a moment of necessity, but a moment of protest, I logged in to Reddit because I found tons of comments and posts listed on old Reddit when you sort by top or controversial.

I logged in to Reddit to destroy even more of my comments that were missed by Power Delete Suite.

It seems a lot of people are doing this. I’ve seen some interesting stuff here and Reddit with screenshots of deleted comments with “this solved my problem” below the deletion.

The way I look at it, ALL of my content was posted via Apollo, just like all of my comments and posts are through WefWef here. If Reddit admins felt the API shouldn’t be free, then my submissions are also not free for them to monetize and get traffic from.

I know for a fact I’ve had 100+ #1 ranked longtail SEO posts in Reddit before I deleted everything. Many of them were getting tons of traffic based on the amount of follow-up private messages received years later.

I do expect Reddit’s traffic to go down as a whole because of everyone leaving but also because of how many removed their content.

That IPO of theirs is going so well.

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