[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 15 points 2 days ago

I follow closely what is happening in the US from France because even though we have a very different culture I still think US politics is a preview of what's to come here.

Right now I consider we are at the step where our media are crumbling and becoming unable to properly inform us. A step that has been reached a couple of years ago in the US in my opinion.

The next step will probably be our own coup attempt in a few years and a steady increase in the division of the country and far right movements.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu -3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I want the same thing I just don't think taking what is inherited is the way to do it.

I would much rather see the ultra-rich pay properly their taxes when they are alive.

It's not like taking inheritance money is the only way to finance things. I don't see the reasoning.

I can totally understand why someone with huge revenue would pay more taxes but I don't see why someone who inherits has to pay taxes at that exact moment.

In any case, I think you are missing the point and answering the question "for what purpose?". Instead of "why?".

I want to know why it's more logical to pay taxes when you die rather than paying them in the first place when you got the revenue.

Obviously, the money collected is useful I just don't see why it has to be collected when it is a time of sorrow for a family.

~~Also where I live it's like 50% of the inheritance that is taxed. It is not just significant, it is 50% of the work of a life that goes in one shot to the state when someone dies.~~

Edit: I was mistaken, I did some calculations and a practical example: If I inherited 200 000€ I would have to pay around 18 194€ (20%)for one taxation and some additional applies but it's nowhere near what I was told. This rate goes from 5% to 45% for the largest inheritance. In reality, to get a 45% taxation in France I would have to inherit more than 1.5 million euros.

I still think this taxation is too high and I regret that my comment is not clear. I don't want less taxation overall I just think it makes more sense to take the money over time on the revenues. Anyway, taxation for inheritance is still something people here are very much concerned about. Parents want their children to inherit as much as possible of their wealth obviously so seeing a good chunk going to taxation is not great. Again I'm ok to pay taxes. But we have 192 different taxes here (that's the exact number calculated in 2014) so I would prefer a system where most of the taxation comes from revenues and what you own and that's it.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 10 points 4 days ago

Since when does wealth be shared when someone dies ?

No, the money will go to their descendants who will try to get even richer than their parents. A large part of that money will also be taken by the state because ?? and ??.

Nothing would change.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 12 points 4 days ago

Maybe people didn't frequently have weird hobbies before.

The way I see it internet widened enormously the diversity of knowledge we get to check. And that's these weird rabbit holes online that create the similarly weird new hobbyist.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 0 points 4 days ago

I care, what do you think I could do ?

Israël is backed up by the most powerful country in the world both politically and militarily.

Many people do care, it's just not something they can fix.

We can donate to lessen the suffering but at the end of the day, one dude in the Whitehouse could probably get a cease fire in minutes if they really wanted to.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 3 points 4 days ago

The devs said "improve AI" I don't understand it as make it godlike and unbeatable.

I disagree completely with your perception of AI in games.

I think AI are way to weak and primitive in this day and age. And it shouldn't. It should be scalable and able to challenge players who want to be and be braindead for others.

Right now in most game AI is borderline braindead.

An old game like FEAR has much better AI than most modern games and it's from 2005.

So yeah, I think AI being very limited in most modern games is definitely an issue and unfortunately nothing specific to the game in this topic.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 9 points 5 days ago

I chuckled when I read this :

privacy safeguards from Google

And now our partner, the NSA will demonstrate the privacy safeguards they implemented in our latest software..

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 3 points 5 days ago

To be fair, this is one magnificent piece of paper.

I would lay on it.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 64 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile Larian studio reminding everyone that a good way to make money and avoid layoffs is to be nimble and make good games.

Big Corps sees nimble and good studio making a good game, starts layoffs immediately.

The real murderers are the people that sell their studio to a big publisher. They immediately seal the fate of their teams. They will have layoffs eventually...

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 102 points 8 months ago


Europeans like Chinese electric vehicles because they are affordable.

Meanwhile European manufacturers are probably pushing behind the scene to restrict the Asian competitors on the market so they can decide what price is right.

In the next months in France they will reduce the subsidies for Electric Vehicle with a poor CO2 bill like imported Chinese cars.

So even less people will get to afford EVs.

I don't think this is just about cheap Chinese labor importing cheap Chinese cars to Europe. It's also about Europe ignoring the importance of battery tech and manufacturing for decades and suddenly acting all surprised that we are not competitive.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 138 points 8 months ago

Well AI might destroy mankind but at least we had this.

Worth it.

[-] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 59 points 10 months ago

Honestly, I kind of think my country (France) forbids weed today because of all the bullshit of the Reagan era and it's pretty infuriating.

Their depiction of weed as some super dangerous class 3000 hardcore drug ended up as some kind of standard for most of the developed countries.

It sucks.

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