[-] Sev@feddit.uk 36 points 10 months ago

It’s lemmy, we hate anything regarding accounts, privacy and the corpos man!!

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 7 points 11 months ago

Think I’ve see. This article like 6 times on lemmy 🥴

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 10 points 11 months ago

Yeah, I initially was on lemmy.world and moved to a UK instance. I tried searching a Titanic sub on my UK instance, and it didn't show up. But it was deffo still there on my L.W search? What? This is why I think my UK instance is a bit weird despite only being defederated from 1 instance, and hence this thread. It feels off compared to my Lemmy world feed.

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 18 points 11 months ago

Every little weird game i've played that has a fandom site, it always seems outdated and wrong. Plus mobile browsing on a phone is painful. I remember the runescape fandom site....ugh lol

submitted 11 months ago by Sev@feddit.uk to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Been loving the fed, but the past few days i'm wondering if my setup is wrong on this site?

Unspecified and English are my language settings in the account config.

I tend to go with Hot and check Top Day on All. I also am a heavy hider - once I open an image, check comments that post is gone [which I prefer, I don't ever dip back, unless I get a reply]

I have the big meme communities blocked so that's a massive chunk of content I'm missing out on, not that i'm complaining; it was too dominant.

Despite my local instance only being defedded with one community, I feel like i'm really not getting All on my....All.

Is it better to subscribe to stuff and set Subscribed to my default feed instead?

Thanks, hopefully i've not buggered something up

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 80 points 11 months ago

Something along the lines of:

'You're just an NPC in everyone else' life, no one really cares about what weird shoes you wear, or whatever. No one's remembering, don't worry about it'

Really helps out in the world really, it's kinda true.

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 10 points 11 months ago

Trying to replace reddit on PC but this place still isn't great for gaming and wrestling and niche games i'm currently into. I do enjoy it on my phone though, also tagged back in Somethingawful on my phone also for some nice reading of some classic threads and PYF stuff.

Other than that, no need to replace anything otherwise :)

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm 80% once a day [night time] and touch wood, only ever had one filling needed and that was back in 2009. Bro sciencing it but I chalk it up to drinking a lot of water and shlooshing my mouth out after meals, especially if i've had orange juice, ice cream or other not good for teeth stuff. A bit of gum maybe too, but I don't know how much of BigGum fills our heads with random fake science.

I did have a 'uh-oh' phase a few months ago where my teeth were super sensitive, but some Sensodyne, mouthwash and twice daily sorted it out and now i'm fine again...and back to my old habits lol; enamel must of taken a lil beating.

Dentist says things are always fine, so I just keep it up /shrug

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 5 points 11 months ago

I just checked Odysee and saw SunnyV2 was on there, holy smokes the comments on there...

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 5 points 11 months ago

On mobile absolutely, the past few days has seen a considerable amount of activity bump up. I am logged in on a new lurker account on reddit, but that's only for wrestling news and a podcast sub of mine. Fuck All.

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 5 points 11 months ago

Also your inbox blows up with post/comment replies - and they're not snippy argument-starters either. Feels good man.

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 5 points 11 months ago

The early birds get the 3 letter words

submitted 11 months ago by Sev@feddit.uk to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Either my searching is wrong, or there’s a weird sub name out there….but I find it perplexing that us nerds haven’t made a big gaming sub yet?

I’ve seen a lemmy world one, a pcgaming on kbin, a beehaw one that’s mostly dead….but no big boi general one?

I’ve blocked 3 fuck cars communities just this evening but I nary see any gaming posts in my ALL - active/hot.

Weird. Someone point me in the right direction please 😅

[-] Sev@feddit.uk 11 points 11 months ago

Plex shares solved my streaming need and negated my laziness and hatred of downloading files to a penstock for my ps4.

£5 for everything I could ever need with a netflix like interface, and if for whatever reason something isn’t on…it’s obtained and visible to watch. Bliss!

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