[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 85 points 9 months ago

The story of how a woman lost her daughter because the grandmother didn't believe that the girl's coconut allergy was real, despite years of watching the parents trying to find out the allergen so that they could stop the girl from winding up in the emergency room. The grandmother kept the kid overnight and used coconut oil on her hair; the child went into anaphylaxis and died.

The mother said that the grandmother begs her to see her other grandchildren, as they've now cut ties with her; the mom's response was, "You can come over when you bring my daughter with you."

A horrible story of how some people just believe they know better than everyone, including doctors.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 13 points 9 months ago

MacKenzie Scott, Bezos's ex. She's given more than $14 billion to charity.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 21 points 10 months ago

The first thing that came to mind, oddly enough, was Blockbuster refusing to buy Netflix for the equivalent of a rat and a string to swing it with.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 41 points 10 months ago

This is such a lovely question. Thank you for being you.

I'd say that it would be important to talk positively about the women you know. If you have a female SO, for example, tell him how smart and curious and funny she is. Make a point to be open about the respect you feel for the contributions of your female co-workers. Tell him stories about when girlfriends were clever, and so on.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

Internet hugs to you, friend!!

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This is from a paper another user submitted in the lemmy.ml collapse community:

An abrupt AMOC collapse would cause profound and abrupt shifts in regional weather patterns and water cycles.

An AMOC collapse under warming reduces the growth suitability of three major staple crops – wheat, maize and rice, which provide over 50% of global calories.

It's worth reading through that whole section. TL; DR: Nothing good.

Edited to add this horrifying graph from the paper.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 15 points 11 months ago

Was it, though?

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 14 points 11 months ago

It's easy to look at this from the lens of people just wanting power, but maybe it's something akin to the grief, honest grief, I felt about leaving Reddit because I had been there so long as just a user. I can't imagine how it would feel to give up control over something that I had created and curated for many years knowing that it was going to be destroyed. 

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 43 points 11 months ago

But isn't that just giving Reddit more traffic and doing exactly what spez wants us to do? 

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 25 points 11 months ago

I'd like to thank you for what you did.

I had been on Reddit for a similar amount of time, but I had cycled through a number of usernames during that period. So it wasn't nearly as big of a loss for me as it was for you—I appreciate the lengths you went for supporting the cause. Thank you. 

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Oh my gosh, if you like Metroidvania stuff, play Ori and the Blind Forest!


We all think we're too savvy to fall for stuff like this, and maybe that's true, but I know some technophobes who'd be prime victims for this. I'm interested in discussion about how to prevent this sort of thing from happening beyond just telling Grandpa to never click on ads.

[-] RealAccountNameHere@beehaw.org 27 points 1 year ago

I'm a 47-year-old female gamer.

I'm with you—I'm not going to allow peer pressure to get to me, but it's obvious that people believe it's childish. Fuck 'em. I think it's a better hobby than mindlessly watching TV, for sure.


In honor of the death of Reddit (I hope), let's harken back to a simpler time, perhaps when we old-timers were migrating from BBS chatting to Slashdot to Reddit. My favorite "oldie" is "The Website Is Down," from 2009-ish. It perfectly captures what IT support is like.

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