[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 4 points 1 day ago

Huh. Fascinating!

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 9 points 2 days ago

But the CrisCo leader said so!

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 3 points 3 days ago

Do this, and tell them how you felt back then.

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 1 points 3 days ago

Still no, sorry. We seem to have very different understandings of those things.

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 21 points 3 days ago

They really decided to deliver the worst of everything, didn't they?

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 13 points 3 days ago

I don't know where on that spectrum I'm flying, but I've been adopted by an extrovert and then introduced to her friends. That meant a lot for me and I'm incredibly thankful.

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 4 points 5 days ago

That all studios do the last few years is remakes and sequels and it's boring as hell.

How can you understand that sentence as a call for piracy?

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 43 points 5 days ago

Me and my sister got encircled once by about ten cows while we wanted to visit our pony which was on the same absurdly big pasture. As they closed in, our little Shetland pony raced in to our rescue and showed them who's boss in seconds. That was surprising in multiple ways. Especially as I didn't expect ponies to be that protective to their scratch givers.

I hope your dog was able to overcome the trauma with time and therapy 😅

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 65 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Me as a kid: running away from a curious cow

The cow, running behind me: "wait, I want to check you out! What are we running away from anyways?"

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 23 points 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Instead you could stop making shitty movies and reheating successful recipes. And stop inventing three new streaming services every week.

What about a meta streaming service. One subscription for everything and companies get paid by the share of the views their ~~shoes~~ shows (I'm not that interested in the shoes to be honest) had. Maybe make your own fronts for your services if you insist, but everything is accessible through one subscription.

I'm so tired of getting shit on by corporations to later read I'm the problem. People are sick of this shit. Stop being assholes and people will happily pay for your content! I want to pay for things I enjoy, but I just cancelled Netflix because they suck so fucking hard.

[-] RamblingPanda@lemmynsfw.com 60 points 6 days ago

And not a slap to the wrist. They caused a lot more harm than Joe from the neighborhood who got caught with an ounce of weed before it was legalized, but they get away with it. Again and again.

Fuck greedy corporations

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