[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 44 points 2 days ago

This is the most deranged shit…

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 21 points 4 days ago

The game was ArcheAge.

This is the line the victim said to the attacker once the attacker was subdued:

Leeper quipped that his only answer to Kang was: “It will be a long time before you play video games.”

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 95 points 4 days ago

The detail I was interested in:

“The plea deal required Assange to admit guilt to a single felony count but also permitted him to return to Australia without any time in an American prison. The judge sentenced him to the five years he’d already spent behind bars in the U.K. fighting extradition to the U.S. on an Espionage Act indictment that could have carried a lengthy prison sentence in the event of a conviction. He was holed up for seven years before that in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

The conclusion enables both sides to claim a degree of satisfaction.”

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 28 points 6 days ago

At first I read it as “y’all Mexicans” and was a lil confused

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 119 points 2 weeks ago


[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 63 points 3 weeks ago

I couldn’t disagree more.

In medical I would end up being apart of endless retirement gathering meetings, then draft up the SOW doc only to have stakeholders change requirements when they were reviewing the doc. Then months later once the doc was finally finished and I could do the development, when UAT time finally came, they’d say the build wasn’t what they wanted (though it matched the written requirements).

Most of the projects I saw executed in the last 4 years either got scrapped altogether or got bogged down in political bs for months trying to get the requirements “just right”.

It was a nightmare. You could blame me, or the company, or bad processes all you want, but I’ve never had fun on a waterfall project, especially not in medical. (Though, in my opinion, we are severely understaffed and need like 4 more BAs.)

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 47 points 1 month ago

Look, I’ll be honest with you: I don’t know how this is going to go. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to be a fly on the wall.

That said, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to put yourself out there, too. By asking for a dance, you’re communicating “I’m here to have fun”. Try to say that to as many people as you can and you’ll have a blast.

Also, Salsa is so dang easy to do the basic step. 90% of the Latin dances I’ve been to have been just doing the basic step for the whole song and looking at people around me for inspiration of moves to try.

You’re gonna do great.

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 43 points 1 month ago

They’ve been around forever, which is where my pessimism comes from. I’ve personally suffered and even had to pass up a job due to a non-compete. I’m not going to court to prove a point, which means employers have much more power than workers.

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 44 points 2 months ago

TIL: I’m looking for a job I can Quiet Quit at for the next 20-30 years.


Error message when trying to view an Instagram post sent from a friend: “If this page is not displaying as expected, you can reduce advanced privacy protections which may resolve issues”.

No, I don’t think I will.

I love Lemmy! (programming.dev)

Was just browsing my favorite communities, commenting on posts I found really interesting, and engaging with other users who wanted to have conversations.

… and not a single paid ad in my feed. I effing love this platform.

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 111 points 3 months ago

If you’re like me and wanted to know why Desantis opposes lab-grown meat… it’s literally a political stunt. He gives no justification. What a putz.


[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 52 points 4 months ago

Bruh, I don’t really.

I learn what I need for whatever project I’m working on and if someone mentions some new tool as part of potential future project, I google that.

I’m probably a bad example tho. I have no hustle.

[-] RagnarokOnline@programming.dev 51 points 5 months ago

I actually think it’s just bandwagoning by a bunch of cowards.

We saw this same phenomenon early last year too: Facebook laid off a bunch of employees, then Apple announced the same, then Microsoft, then Google, then Salesforce, then the infamous Twitter layoffs.

I think big tech is so sensitive to negative press that they all just wait and lay off folks at the same time so no single company takes all the bad press.

It doesn’t even have to be Illuminati-level coordination, either. All it takes is for some exec at Tech Company B to see that Tech Company A is firing people. Then Tech Company B decides to clean house too. The cascade is just a bunch of morons deciding to hop on the “let’s fuck over our employees to help our balance sheet” train.

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