[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 49 points 2 months ago

It would benefit a social cause that is near and dear to his heart: making Mark Zuckerberg extremely wealthy

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 75 points 3 months ago

Casual Twitter users who left twitter after Musk took over but aren't thinking all that hard about what it was specifically that Musk brings to the table that creates the problems. They just see someone else made a Twitter alike, and they already have an Instagram account, so they give it a shot.

All they know is the people they liked on twitter are gone, but that there were elements of the Twitter experience they liked

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 41 points 8 months ago

This has way more to do with Azure is their main product and they know what people want to run on the cloud runs on Linux workloads. They've seen their Kuberbetes numbers, they know where the money is

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 31 points 9 months ago

Career mode in rockband where you all got to customize your avatars was so satisfying

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 30 points 9 months ago

It's the free (as in beer) program that comes with windows to open doc and rtf files and put together fine enough documents. Dropping it is Microsoft telling users unwilling to pay for word without the technical knowhow to get LibreOffice or Abiword going to get fucked. Its anti consumer no matter which way you slice it.

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 101 points 10 months ago

So basically elon would rather dump money into expensive equipment to improve build quality than do the thing that's actually needed to improve build quality and pay his workers what their work is worth and make their factory environment safer?

This is the kind of petty angry bullshit you have to do to be a billionaire. Its not about being smart, it's about on some level hating everyone that isn't you

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 39 points 10 months ago

I went on a date and both of our phones were dead lol

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 29 points 11 months ago

My partner and I were hoping for casting a New Zealand actor for them and just never commenting on why Rick and Morty were kiwis all of a sudden

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 28 points 11 months ago

Also not sure what's wrong about posting something that's relevant to multiple communities to those multiple communities

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 31 points 11 months ago

Living in the Washington, DC area, it was always frustrating how outsiders would treat us like our city was exactly the same in makeup, attitude, and general culture as New York City, and would then judge our stuff based on that. First, no, New York City is not like DC. Second, no, the main difference between New York City and DC isn't that DC is a bunch of government drones. There are other jobs. It's a whole ass city? It has local economies, artists, food places, software firms, everything you'd expect. Third, New York City pizza isn't good. Stop acting like because a pizza deviates from that standard, it means the pizza is bad. AND I KNOW WHAT I SAID, FITE ME. Finally, we don't have a subway. We have a metro rail. And it's well laid out and easy to navigate, and when you reach your station stop it's easy to get a bus for the final leg of your journey. It's a superior metro scheme because the trains can operate at 60 mph, whereas the top speed for the subway where the trains must act both in place of the trains and the buses is 40mph.

Now to wait for the angry hate comments to come in...

submitted 11 months ago by Quill7513@slrpnk.net to c/greenspace@beehaw.org

Posting from my alt account because file uploads seem to still not be working on beehaw

For the screen readers: This is a very small preying mantis that was on my door this morning. It is about the length of my first finger's first bone (the finger tip).

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 31 points 1 year ago
  • Brave while performing well on benchmarks does not have an auditable codebase, and most privacy experts would recommend a privacy-focused firefox fork like librewolf or arkenfox
  • Their cloud storage recommendations make no mention of rolling your own with syncthing or nextcloud
  • Apple mail is part of Apple's spyware ecosystem to collect data about you for the purposes of advertising

I will say, it's much improved over what it used to be

[-] Quill7513@slrpnk.net 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

There also seems to be a deeper sense of community, at least in a few instances and communities, than I've experienced in a long time, excluding some of the more niche-er subs

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