[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

My weight has bounced up and down a bit over the past few years, and while I've never been obese (just overweight), I very much notice how gaining weight begins to restrict my range of motion, so I think it is often a bit of a snowball effect. As you gain weight, moving gets harder, and when moving gets harder, you probably move less, making it even easier to keep putting on weight.

Like you mentioned, I've also noticed that my pain levels often increase when I move less. I was very hesitant to run or do squats for a long time due to a family history of knee problems, but I have a strong suspicion now that those knee problems were likely made worse due to inactivity. I am still pretty cautious about any knee aches, but I found my knees became less achy as I worked to strengthen my leg muscles.

I think car culture is also a major factor. I currently live in a location where I can comfortably function without a car. I do make an effort to exercise for the sole purpose of exercise, but even if I didn't, daily life still forces me to get up and move around quite a bit. Not too long ago, I was visiting family and borrowed the car to run some errands. I had 2 stops that were less than a block apart, so I decided to walk, and I will never make that mistake again, because the way everything is designed there really encourages driving and punishes pedestrians.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Yep. The dry cycle also takes about twice as long, but supposedly it's more gentle on fabrics. It's a pretty nifty option for small spaces without a way to properly vent the dryer, but I can see why they're not more popular. The machine came with the place, so I didn't exactly choose it, but I hang dry most stuff anyway, and definitely prefer it over dealing with shared, coin operated machines.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Ooops. Millennial here and I often iron my bed sheets. I have a weird ventless washer/dryer combo thing, and no matter how quickly I pull my sheets out or what dryness level I set it to, they come out quite wrinkled. I don't really mind if the main sheet is a bit wrinkly, but it drives me nuts when the top edge gets all folded, and then those folds become permanent creases.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 19 points 3 weeks ago

I was actually looking this up the other day regarding ducks, and had trouble finding an actual answer. What's the difference between a breeding male, a non breeding male, and a juvenile male? They each look different, but why? Can an individual bird/duck go through phases of each? Somebody please info dump! Links greatly appreciated too!

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure Venmo is owned by PayPal.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

That I really have absolutely zero interest in smelling their buttholes. Also, I sometimes eat plants.

Yeah, I guess I just might be a crazy cat person.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

I absolutely can't stand minty or cinnamon toothpaste, and have really struggled with brushing my teeth because of it. It drives me absolutely insane that so many of the flavors I can tolerate are only available in fluoride free formulations and/or get discontinued.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 89 points 3 months ago

I can't speak for all other animals, but I imagine it's often for similar reasons as why they do it for cats: removing the hormones means they're much less likely to display unwanted behaviors such as marking/spraying, territorial aggression (fighting) towards other cats, and roaming. Those behaviors all stem from the desire to mate, and if they don't have testosterone from the testicles, they don't experience the desire to mate. Unless you don't mind the smell of concentrated cat urine everywhere, adult male cats with testicles don't make very great house pets.

With female cats, they completely remove the ovaries (rather than doing a tubal ligation) for similar reasons. If they did a tubal ligation instead, the cat would still go into heat, meaning lots of yowling and trying to escape, and an increased risk of marking/spraying, just no longer able to get pregnant. In my region, they also usually remove the uterus, but it appears that varies globally.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

I'm in the US, and this has been my technique too. I've found that listing things for free gets me people with a million questions and complications, but if I list something at a cheap price, the whole process is usually much smoother.

[-] QualifiedKitten@lemmy.world 20 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

So then, if a woman is exclusively attracted to men who eat pussy, does that also make her a lesbian?

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