The matches imitate a video game. Two TikTokers stream side-by-side, divided into "red" and "blue" teams. As a timer counts down from five minutes, they go to wild and kooky lengths to get their fans to send them these gifts.

The creativity to create things like these battles is interesting

We really are fleshy machines that just need our buttons pushed the right way to get us to obsess over almost anything

We should claim that the Chik-Fil-A mascot is transitioning next and watch their heads spin

Or even worse - PIPs exist as a paper trail that that shows the employee knew they were on the chopping block

I've rarely seen people's PIP fairly evaluated; they are just fired at the end of the PIP term

On Thursday, Sewell told the court that he would be “very happy with a fine” and asked the court not to impose a conviction.

It's almost like the court is encouraging their violence


That's a pretty self-centred take

Unionization leads to better working conditions and pay outside of their own membership in a "rising tides lift all boats" kind of way

Since then there have been several partial-day strikes, most recently in 2018, with women walking off the job in the early afternoon, symbolizing the time of day when women, on average, stop earning compared to men.

That's pretty clever

As mentioned in another thread, there is a paintless dent repair video on YT of a fix done to the corner of a Rivian rear bumper

The owner claimed that he was quoted $41K. To do the work, they would need to cut the body all the way up to the front of the roof

The PDR fix was close to perfect in this case

[-] 25 points 10 months ago

This wasn't a punishment or sentence.

He was literally breaking through the door to enter the house.

What was the home owner supposed to do? Hope he became non-violent once he got in? Challenge him to a game of chess? Declare a set of non-lethal rules and duke it out?

The homeowner has a right to not be attacked in his own home ffs

[-] 45 points 10 months ago

He didn't just accidentally enter the wrong home, he was forcibly breaking into the home when he was shot. Even breaking a window to open the door from the inside.

Tragic as he was likely just intoxicated and confused, but understandable that the homeowner would use force to defend himself

While the woman was on the phone with police, Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door "and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob," at which point the male resident fired the shot through the broken window that struck Donofrio in his upper body, according to police

[-] 47 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

~~So, Spacey has been accused by a number of people and the charges from one accuser have been dismissed ~~

I need to learn to read the article fully before commenting 🤦‍♂️

[-] 23 points 11 months ago

The marketing teams have been working overtime on this - well done to them

[-] 51 points 11 months ago

I switched to Liftoff from Jerboa.

There are a few features that either don't exist or I haven't found (jump to next comments thread), but it's worked really well overall.

For context, I use Relay when I'm on Reddit

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