[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Nah just get the work certed, it'd be available for anyone, it just needs to pass the "No AI was used at all" test, and that can be done by giving creative software tools the ability to sign files whenever AI or screen shotting tools get used in their making

I think the approach of providing software tools the ability to grant the cert if no AI tools are used will be the way to really spread the practice, can even work with them to create a cert mode that just doesn't even present those tools to the user in the first place.

The next step would be getting publishing sites to use the cert or signature as a check that either blocks the upload or more leniently get a visual marker that indicates it was not made with generator tools.

Plus checking for the cert also eliminates the crisis of teachers having to outsmart GPT to avoid their students cheating on takehome essays.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I think that's what people really ought to fear about our future. Once there are enough of us, once we've spread out widely enough, horrors and disgusts the likes of which we speak of in hushed tones praying we never find ourselves even adjacent to them will be cut loose into the universe.

Until we develop means of consistent and viable FTL travel and communication, we're going to all live with knowing that any heinous act we can possibly imagine is not only playing out somewhere, but the victims of it were probably bred for the purpose of making the show as enjoyable as possible for whatever freaks arrange for it.

Even when we regain the proper footing of being able to enforce basic rules of prevention of the worst things we can imagine, the sickos will always be finding another remote world, another star at the fringes where justice can't reach reliably yet.

We will live in a universe of untold prosperity, and yet also one of an eternal game of whackamole against the worst kinds of us that could ever exist, and some that can't yet but will come into existence with what we learn going forward.

Even colonizing the solar system, we will regularly see headlines that force us to ask if we are doing enough to protect others, if everyone can live like kings while some are made to be the victims of Caligula, or of Pol Pot, or of Jim Jones, or of any of the other depraved madmen of history who made those underfoot their playthings for the worst impulses that not even the call of the void dares give an ear to.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Looking at the current conduct of the russian military, you're not exactly giving me higher hopes for our ability to let anyone have those

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Totally Not Mark has a community discussion vid from when he had to deal with this personally because of all the manga video essays he'd been doing that got copystriked.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 6 points 3 days ago

Don't worry, if Kyiv's getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you'd have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

More seriously, someone's really gotta figure out how to attack the nuclear arms specifically. Putin is making it obvious that the world will never be safe if there's even the remotest chance some lunatic could gain the ability to fire those things.

It would have to be the fastest military operation ever conducted in human history, but if it worked, it would save the world.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

That's not how GDP works

Edit to elaborate, GDP is calculated based on final goods and services, outsourced work exclusively counts towards the GDP of the country that work is done in, and only affects the GDP of another country when they buy what the first country made, but the outsourced work still happens in country A, so country A gets all the GDP created by selling finished goods, and all the GDP of the work done on unfinished products within their borders.

Basically, the US isn't sitting on everyone else's money, it just genuinely makes and sells that much shit

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 30 points 3 days ago

Part of it is that America just has an insane amount of resource richness even compared to historical empires of it's comparative influence.

Let me try to explain it in agricultural terms. America is a nation of immigrants, and yet a common phenomenon is an observed disconnect between what Americans consider local cuisine from a given country and what people from that country today consider average cuisine of their culture.

This is because those immigrants were the tired, the poor, the hungry masses yearning to be free. The cuisine they brought was the stuff people would make to subsist as peasants, notice how many different varieties of "take this basic grain as a filler then layer on bitsins and fixins to give it flavor and nutrition." Meanwhile in the home country, cuisine culture continued to be defined by the elites who had already been defining it. What's really interesting is that the cuisine brought by the poor, did not stay pauper meals.

This is because America as a country is so packed to the gills with farmable land that ingredients considered a rarity for sheer cost in "the old country" were abundant to the point of being cheap. American serving sizes are so big because they were pioneered by people who were thanking god that they could be that big. Chop Sui literally was just "whatever you can throw in the pot, serve it up!", tacos and sandwiches were invented basically to maximize the flavor and nutrition of expensive fresh ingredients on limited supply, Pizza has roots as the equivalent of a street pretzel in NYC.

Imagine if someone took the NYC pretzel, moved to a land of unheard-of plenty unseen by human eyes thus far, and decided to spice that pittily ass bread and salt with choice of topping by loading that shit with the most unimaginably luxurious ingredients they could conceive of because that shit is all cheap there. That's the story of Pizza. That's what happened to basically every peasant food culture that made contact with the US and its because American resource richness is just that unprecedented for anyone who isn't from America already to conceive of.

Stalin once stated that WWII was won with, "British Intelligence, American Steel, and Soviet Blood.", but America wasn't just a factory for the world, the American kitchen put into that war just as hard as the American foundry, arguably more, America's first casualties of the war were the merchant marines who faced U-Boats head on to run food aid to the British public and anywhere else they could slip past the Nazis.

We got so much shit we will literally give it to you for free sometimes

That is how 4% of the world population ends up sitting on 25% of its GDP

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 10 points 3 days ago

I disagree with the Great John Stewart's maxim on the subject, but I will say that Deep Dish is definitely there to satisfy a different taste than traditional pizza makes.

Just watch Food Theory's perfect burger video, stack order matters! And the ideal crust can stand up to the sauce beginning to soak it a little so don't try to say that it's to put a wall between the crust and the sauce. The Bear had it right, you wanna be doing that kinda jazz because you're looking to get caramelized sauce crust to get a crunchy sweet rim on the whole deal.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 31 points 3 days ago

I have no mouth yet I must scream

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 23 points 3 days ago

If they got the money for it some good soil could be set out under the panels to cut food costs down as well, apparently there is a good variety of crops that perform well when given partial shading under panels.

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 25 points 4 days ago

I don't know what it is but it seems almost universal that animals will give in and be pacified by da good scritchies

Maybe predator animals are just so angry because they're constantly itchy! Lemme go check!

Immediately mauled by bears

[-] PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee 15 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Republicans, universal gun care and state mandated child control, but only after you've suffered 9 months against your will to bring them into this world if you even survive the experience.

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