[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 19 points 3 months ago

All oil profits will be taxed extra until it has paid off what it took from the people, right? Were not just taking from the people for the exclusive benefit of large companies right? I'm still confused as to why this was publically funded. Or at least confused to why I haven't seen the guaranteed public value addressed. No trickle down isn't a real public benefit.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 18 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Hey shill here. I also shill for other artistic tools like cameras and CGI. Got a lot of hate back when CGI and digital painting were still controversial. Don't know if such "art" will ever truly be accepted by the art police, i guess AI art tools will join them.

Personally I think independent artists can accomplish much more with tools like these than they could just pretending to be a Disney art director with all the pretend Disney interns not actually helping their vision come to life.

I like when art isn't monopolized by the ones with all the money. I also like when we allow open models that aren't proprietary adobe subscriptions.

Also this thread is hilarious. OpenAI are literally asking to be regulated by more democratic external bodies. They've been making every effort one could expect on this front, but I guess that doesn't matter?

It's like when Altman went to the senate and said "regulate larger and more capable models like we will have, but don't stifle and limit open source and smaller startups"

And everyone started bashing openAI for encouraging regulation of open source.

If I'm a brain dead tech bro, at least I have decades of familiarity with art, copywrite woes, and AI/ML. Back in school I was just called a nerd, but I guess that framing doesn't really work these days so i need to be compared to frat bro adventure capitalists every time I have an opinion that's not negative to new technologies.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 27 points 7 months ago

I mean it's not actual "full self drive" to begin with. It's a lame impersonation of more advanced self driving vehicles that aren't even being sold yet. That doesn't matter to the elon fans though.

The lie that actually gets people killed, while also tainting the overall perception of autonomous vehicles. Thanks elon.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 20 points 7 months ago

"What we found is a withering, uncertain and anti-working class government, happy to sell promises it never intended on keeping"

I think this and the "hard work does not correlate with rewards" seem to be apt.

Many are brought over with flowery words hiding the fact that they will be competing with an already struggling working class.

Everybody I know thinks trying to raise a kid right now is not only unfeasable, but unethical. The couple working class people I know who had kids regardless are in debt and struggling despite working as much as they can.

Then the newspapers post articles like "why are selfish lazy millennials choosing not to obtain things like homes and cars, or attempting to have children."

It's frustrating and disgusting. Especially when you see things like the complete failure of antitrust. Big surprise that Rogers just locked out hundreds of old Shaw union workers.

There's something terribly wrong with the power imbalance, and this is more evidence to throw on the depressingly obvious pile.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 37 points 8 months ago

Music publishers sue happy in the face of any new technological development? You don't say.

If an intern gives you some song lyrics on demand, do they sue the parents?

Do we develop all future A.I. Technology only when it can completely eschew copyrighted material from their comprehension?

"I am sorry, I'm not allowed to refer to the brand name you are brandishing. Please buy our brand allowance package #35 for any action or communication regarding this brand content. "

I dream of a future when we think of the benefit of humanity over the maintenance of our owners' authoritarian control.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 25 points 9 months ago

... Basically the day it was created.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 23 points 9 months ago

I swear the actual gain from prime is virtually indecipherable. The less you understand it, the less you can actually complain about what you are paying for.

It also does not boost my confidence when they use deceptive patterns to sneak you back into prime, or keep you from leaving.

The average person doesn't give a hoot though, and will get actively upset at you for pointing out deceptive patterns when it's a brand they use, so I we can probably expect things to get worse whenever physically possible.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 70 points 10 months ago

Can someone be sacked for these stupid fear mongering presentations of what should be fairly banal topics? If there was actual reason to worry, we would point out the constant remarkable disasters which should discourage you.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 38 points 10 months ago

Just millions? I guess the billions come from creating a proprietary software development engine that is uniquely tied to their own market, which invests into encouraging children into the ecosystem that traps anyone with success in a market which ultimately takes 93% of earnings for roblox.

Exploitative. Unethical. Feeding in the technological ignorance of the masses and political leaders.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 18 points 10 months ago

Too much musk news. Had a dream less than an hour ago where i ended up in a car with elon. He started peacocking and got violent when i brought up zuck.

While it was a neat experience to beat up musk in a dream, id rather not have him in my dreams.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 48 points 10 months ago

Almost like Amazon should have some responsibility in properly vetting their sellers. This isn't the only case of bad quality bootlegs on Amazon. They have no decent incentive to fix it if they are making more money from it. It doesn't help when the blame is filtered through the smokescreen of ephemeral merchants.

[-] Peanutbjelly@sopuli.xyz 19 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Funny I don't see much talk in this thread about Francois Chollet's abstraction and reasoning corpus, which is emphasised in the article. It's a really neat take on how to understand the ability of thought.

A couple things that stick out to me about gpt4 and the like are the lack of understanding in the realms that require multimodal interpretations, the inability to break down word and letter relationships due to tokenization, lack of true emotional ability, and similarity to the "leap before you look" aspect of our own subconscious ability to pull words out of our own ass. Imagine if you could only say the first thing that comes to mind without ever thinking or correcting before letting the words out.

I'm curious about what things will look like after solving those first couple problems, but there's even more to figure out after that.

Going by recent work I enjoy from Earl K. Miller, we seem to have oscillatory cycles of thought which are directed by wavelengths in a higher dimensional representational space. This might explain how we predict and react, as well as hold a thought to bridge certain concepts together.

I wonder if this aspect could be properly reconstructed in a model, or from functions built around concepts like the "tree of thought" paper.

It's really interesting comparing organic and artificial methods and abilities to process or create information.

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