[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 15 points 11 hours ago

I think pigs have a black hole instead of a digestive system so probably not.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 11 points 13 hours ago

I'm just here to appreciate the amazing stock photo, I'm picturing the photographer placing the tape over his desk feeling so cool about it.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 16 points 23 hours ago

It's missing the part where they post jobs just to show they tried to recruit locally before getting someone on a visa (lower wages + high dependency on the company).

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

I got dragged to Málaga against my will (family stuff) and it was horrible. More pubs than tapas places to cater to the British crowds...

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

Charleroi is super depressing indeed.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 2 points 3 days ago

Got caught in the manual blinking crossfire here... Damn you!

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 17 points 3 days ago

It's upside down, mate.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 10 points 4 days ago

Yeah same here, also airports are the only place I allow myself to drink regardless of the time of day, so there's that.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah I don't think we disagree at all! I'm just sharing the facts around the realities of it. Also I don't think most AC is replacing heating systems today, but rather are installed in addition to the existing heating system. When you remove your furnace and have only inverter pump for both heating and cooling indeed I think that's a big improvement, but I'm no expert.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 5 points 5 days ago

Right, cities in general fucking suck at dealing with heat because they're concrete jungles with little greenery, and Paris in particular as pointed out in your article in parts due to the Zinc roofs. Doesn't change the fact few have AC (which also increases death risks during heatwaves) and that building techniques in general were made to more naturally keep houses cool, but yes that's more true with country houses and especially the more south you go. I didn't mean to imply cities didn't suffer from heat.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 10 points 5 days ago

Probably using portable ones where you put the pipe out of the window and seal around it.

[-] Obi@sopuli.xyz 6 points 5 days ago

AC is very unusual in France, maybe a bit more in the south but even there it's rare, the houses are just built with good natural insulation and temperature regulation, stone walls, concrete walls with air gaps, etc.

submitted 9 months ago by Obi@sopuli.xyz to c/foss@beehaw.org

Hey there, I'm looking at producing my first documentary and one of the tools people use for that is called Studio Binder. It's an all-in-one for making your scripts, shotlists, moodboards, location scouting, storyboards, production planning, collaborators management etc etc.

Any of you know of similar tools that are FOSS? I think some VFX/animation pipelines also have similar needs.

I already found storyboarder for making panels which seems amazing but I'm getting a bit lost in the jungle of options for the project management/scripting side of things. I'm considering Airtable for example but might be overkill for my needs.

Ideally it's something tailored for filmmaking specifically but open to hearing about general purpose planners that can be adapted.

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