
joined 7 months ago
[–] 11 points 22 hours ago

And the theme song wouldn’t change.

[–] 78 points 1 day ago (1 children)

it’s for the children!

They said as they erode more freedom/privacy for the general population.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Promise you won’t rob me? Pinky swear?

[–] 6 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I wonder if this has to do with an increase in console players moving to PC, or at least adding a PC to their gaming lineup at home. That and the Steam Deck which we saw also increase Linux’s market share.

It may not necessarily be PC gamers moving to controllers as much as its console players who have been most comfortable with a controller.

That’s how I am. I’ve been a PC gamer for a little over 10 years now (played PC growing up with Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sims, etc. but not counting that until I got an actual gaming PC) but I was mostly into consoles before this. But controllers have been a huge part of my playing experience and I’ve always preferred it for most games except the top downs like Sims and Roller Coaster Tycoon which I did play on console with controller but the PC’s ports doing have the same schemes available for those games.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Consider counting that on your tax deductions for the year since it’s a donation. This is all really nice of you and hopefully helps make their lives a little better.

[–] 13 points 5 days ago

It’s a nice gesture, but this is exactly why a lot of people don’t like giving away free stuff. It’s why IT departments are hesitant to give away equipment they are throwing out because some users will come back and expect free tech support. Not saying you’re against doing anything like that, but just that asshole companies like Microsoft make this so damn difficult nowadays that doing as others suggested here to create a new Microsoft account for this is going to get you calls inevitably in the future when they forget the password or run into other issues. And if not, it’ll likely end with them not using it because of the hassle or throwing it out.

I hate to sound negative because it’s an awesome gesture on your part to do and I’m sure in a perfect world, it would be wonderful for some of the residents to get to use something like that.

But since it’s not like the old days of having a CD you pop in but a digital app connected to an online account, you’ll need to do somethings that may cause confusion. It sounds like you’d have to do as others suggest and create a new Microsoft account and have a license for that game on there. Or get a GamePass subscription on that account that would allow access to Flight Simulator and more, but that would mean a perpetual donation for them to use it too.

Someone may come along and suggest a pirated copy of Flight Simulator, but I would strongly advise against that because it can put the home at legal risk if discovered and can cause other issues like if it gets patched in the future.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Since I prefer controller over mouse and keyboard, it’s a lot of games pre-Xbox One era for me. But that is subjective because a lot of people prefer mouse and keyboard.

Games like Oblivion never had a proper way of getting a controller to work with them on the PC release and any tries to get it to work flat out suck. I’ve tried Steam’s button mapping and even that doesn’t work for a lot of these games. But working through an emulator helps translate my controller to the game with almost no issues.

Considering how the Steam Deck plays and you’re usually using it as a controller unless docked, this would be nearly any game from this time period.

[–] -1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you got rid of timezones, you'd still end up creating it in all but name since the vast majority of business will be occurring during daytime hours around the world. For example, an office in Tokyo sending emails to their NYC office at 0800 UTC (currently 0400 EDT in NYC) wouldn't end up getting answered for at least 3-4 hours when those employees started logging in. In other words, people would still be doing calculations in their heads to know when business hours are in that region, essentially recreating timezones.

Not necessarily. In Teams, it shows the user’s specific hours they work as well as the time difference (this person is 2 hours behind you). All it would need is to remove the time difference and just display the time they work.

A person in Japan would just put in their signature or it would be in the application that they work from 0400 to 1200 while you still work 0800 to 1600 and you’d have your answer.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Still runs Windows. Hard pass for that reason alone.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

This is Grubhub and all those other apps when I get a craving at home and don’t want to drive or can’t drive because I’m not sober. I browse through and see some stuff that looks decent and get all the way to the end to find out that my $10 worth of food is now going to be $25 plus tip to be delivered to me. So I just close the app and then get one of those stupid notifications “hey you still have stuff in your cart! Come back and finish your order”.

No, fuck you.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Haha I am just now realizing what your comment said. I guess I was more tired than I realized last night.


This is assuming he’d have been found guilty for leading the Nazi government like others were.

Edit: of course it would likely be death, but was wondering what specific means of death would have been carried out for him.


Just curious what an inverted reality of ours would be like, where instead of having too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creating glasshouse gas effect, what would the inverse be like where we don’t have enough carbon dioxide in our atmosphere? What would the climate of earth be like?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I have this lunch box that is huge but works really well for me. I made a mistake a few weeks ago by leaving rotten food in it over the weekend and the stench is unbearable.

This lunch box has a removable interior made of some kind of plastic so I removed it and soaked it in warm water and dish soap for 48 hours in the sink and then I scrubbed the interior with a sponge.

When I got done, it still smelled like rotten food! I also cleaned the lid which isn’t removable but made of the same material. But just used the sponge on it.

Sticking my head inside is where I smell it most, so I think it’s the removable tub.

I also tried teabags as I heard of something like this with smelly shoes, but now my lunch box smells like feet lol.

So I’m at a loss. I love this box and don’t want to trash it. It was hard finding one like it.

Anything else I can try?

Edit: thanks for the suggestions! I forgot to mention that I did put some vinegar and baking soda in last night and kept the lid closed. I’ll leave it this way until tomorrow night and see.

Thanks for the suggestions!


I noticed that I and Alexa say “six ‘oh’ five a m”, but is that the correct way of saying the time? Specifically the “oh” part?

Kind of like when speaking out a phone number, how we might say “my number is one two three, six ‘oh’ six…” but really, that’s not an “oh” like the letter O even though it looks like an O, but everyone knows the person is saying “six zero six”, which is the proper way of saying that.

Edit: thanks for all the answers everyone! This was just pure curiosity for me but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and learning some new things!

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