
joined 8 months ago
[–] 11 points 2 hours ago

When they killed Apollo. Fuck using that shitty official app.

I would have tolerated ads if it meant Apollo still existing. I know Christian wouldn’t have made them as interrupting as Reddit does and the overall experience was wonderful.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago

Even at this time, this was an old computer. I remember the sticker on the front said it was built for Windows ME or one of the OSes from that era before Windows XP.

User complained that the computer was running very slow, slower than it realistically should.

I opened it up to clean it since I figured that was a good place to start.

The bottom of the chassis was disgusting. The dust had accumulated so much that it became a mound of dirt. And seated on top of the mound of dirt dust was a dead roach on its back.

Found literal bugs in the computer.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Instead of providing actual features the competitors have had for ages like the ability to talk using the console while playing a game, they add old ass games as a “bonus” since they make it impossible to play these any other way.

Typical Nintendo not even doing the bare minimum.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

3D like the Fallout 3 we got as a FPS-like game or 3D like still top down but could rotate the camera, sort of like The Sims or Wasteland 2 or something else entirely?

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Is that a snake in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Oh…it really was a snake…

[–] 63 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Second rule of IT: all users lie

[–] 18 points 6 days ago

The problem is when it is weaponized by corporations to bypass competition or by activists who are upset for one reason and get everyone to rally for an untrue reason.

Example: McDonalds has an employee write about their horrible experience working for Burger King which is a complete fabrication to get people to hate their competitor.

Example 2: supporters for Presidential candidate John Smith don’t like that Target has been donating to Smith‘s rival political party. Smith supporters fabricate untrue stories about Target’s working conditions to get people to boycott the store and hurt profits. This would lead to less money being available for donations from the store.

In all honesty, I do think Name and Shame is perfectly reasonable and should be done. But I still want to highlight some ways that it can be abused. I don’t think Reddit should use this as an excuse to forbid the practice but Reddit should do due diligence in proving the story is right like verifying an employee’s employment at the company they are shaming, for example.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

You should still be able to bypass the email requirement when creating a Reddit account, right? The only useful purpose I see behind it for the user is if you forget your password.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

And the theme song wouldn’t change.

[–] 80 points 1 week ago (1 children)

it’s for the children!

They said as they erode more freedom/privacy for the general population.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Promise you won’t rob me? Pinky swear?


This is assuming he’d have been found guilty for leading the Nazi government like others were.

Edit: of course it would likely be death, but was wondering what specific means of death would have been carried out for him.


Just curious what an inverted reality of ours would be like, where instead of having too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creating glasshouse gas effect, what would the inverse be like where we don’t have enough carbon dioxide in our atmosphere? What would the climate of earth be like?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

I have this lunch box that is huge but works really well for me. I made a mistake a few weeks ago by leaving rotten food in it over the weekend and the stench is unbearable.

This lunch box has a removable interior made of some kind of plastic so I removed it and soaked it in warm water and dish soap for 48 hours in the sink and then I scrubbed the interior with a sponge.

When I got done, it still smelled like rotten food! I also cleaned the lid which isn’t removable but made of the same material. But just used the sponge on it.

Sticking my head inside is where I smell it most, so I think it’s the removable tub.

I also tried teabags as I heard of something like this with smelly shoes, but now my lunch box smells like feet lol.

So I’m at a loss. I love this box and don’t want to trash it. It was hard finding one like it.

Anything else I can try?

Edit: thanks for the suggestions! I forgot to mention that I did put some vinegar and baking soda in last night and kept the lid closed. I’ll leave it this way until tomorrow night and see.

Thanks for the suggestions!


I noticed that I and Alexa say “six ‘oh’ five a m”, but is that the correct way of saying the time? Specifically the “oh” part?

Kind of like when speaking out a phone number, how we might say “my number is one two three, six ‘oh’ six…” but really, that’s not an “oh” like the letter O even though it looks like an O, but everyone knows the person is saying “six zero six”, which is the proper way of saying that.

Edit: thanks for all the answers everyone! This was just pure curiosity for me but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses and learning some new things!

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