[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 44 points 7 months ago

People this doesn't affect are pirates. People who get to enjoy their media without worry are pirates. When pirates are getting the better experience and it's customers who are getting affected what incentive is there to not pirate other than personal morals. Because it sure isn't for a better product.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 39 points 7 months ago

Since the ad push led to me fully adopting newpipe and freetube not anymore.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 72 points 7 months ago

Having rich family versus none provides a safety net that lessens the consequences of risk taking, and sets a baseline of how bad your life can get.

It's like playing a game with check points versus one that has you start at the beginning if you die. You still have to do all the hard work to reach your goal yourself, but those retro style non check point games are incredibly hard compared to games with check points, saves, or cheating with save states.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 53 points 7 months ago

It pushed me more towards degoogling. Was already using newpipe on Android and ignoring the YouTube app, and now I'm on freetube on desktop. No need for Google account anymore to look at the feed I want.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 97 points 8 months ago

I was using newpipe x Sponsorblock on Android exclusively, and now on desktop I've moved to freetube. Never did get the pop up telling me to remove Adblock but decided to make the jump early.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 83 points 9 months ago

Waiting years has been my new normal for games because I'm cheap, and it helps save on hardware costs too due to pushing back the time frame for when I start needing a more powerful system to play them. It's a win win.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 45 points 9 months ago
  • HDR can now be enabled in Display Settings if supported by the external display.

  • VRR can now be enabled in Display Settings if supported by the USB-C adapter.

Excited for these two.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 40 points 10 months ago

I hate when these type of articles never directly list the apps that were removed.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 41 points 10 months ago

You'll get stronger as you keep using it and then the weight will be fine.

submitted 11 months ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

My instance lemmy.one was down with no status updates for several days. And made realize that I'll probably need multiple accounts should an instance I use disappear. Or a more feature rich accountless experience if I decide to just wait for my instance to come back online as I lurk on another instance.

So seems useful to be able to have a subscription feed and filter list that can function without an account, which would make swapping accounts be a more consistent experience in the event there is a need for account migration due to instance being down or completely disappearing as some people have already experienced and lost their sub list in the process.

Like example of an app with a good accountless experience is Stealth for Reddit. It has no account sign in, but lets users have a personal subscription feed and save function which can be exported to a json file.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 53 points 11 months ago

Just in case people aren't aware Nova was acquired by Branch. Putting it out there so people can decide whether that matters or not.


[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 83 points 11 months ago

Suggesting discord as a competitor to reddit is dumb when discord does not pop up in search results containing information that may provide the solution. Might as well call WhatsApp a competitor to reddit then.

[-] NightOwl@lemmy.one 96 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The fediverse is something I'm excited for and it's still in it's infancy so it'll be intersting to see how it plays out as it starts getting more polished and user friendly.

Despite the doom and gloom of AI I think it's been really cool, and one area I've seen it help is for my relatives where instead of me having to solve basic tech issues AI has helped. When it develops into a full on companion that will do things it asks them to I'll be bothered less and less.

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/android@lemmy.world

There's been games that I can no longer download. Apps that are as if they never existed with it not even showing up in purchase history if it weren't for old email receipts. It's pushed me more towards Foss when it is an option.

I wish Android would do better in that department. How does iOS handle old apps it delists. Is it still downloadable for the user who bought it at least?

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

Like what there is for dolphin, but should be more straightforward with everyone having the same specs.

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz
submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/datahoarder@lemmy.ml

SSD drives have been getting cheaper, so been looking into it.


Something I found is that while you can see activity of local communities in your instance like for example a lemmy.world user on lemmy.world. If they go somewhere else like lemmy.world/c/privacyguides@lemmy.one that's pretty much all you'll be aware of aside from what someone from lemmy.world pull so it shows up on /c/all

You have to tab open and see lemmy.one to get the picture of the instance as a whole to see what is the activity local to it.

This makes it harder to find new communities and also for new communities to grow. And doesn't help that when you view a community for the first time after someone subscribed for the first time it doesn't pull all the comments, so it looks like there's no activity.

So it would be nice if there was a quick toggle to do a view from your instance and then a view from the instance the content actually originated on.




Wanted to also mention fedia.io/m/firefox is the sister Kbin community to /r/firefox


✨NEW✨ Sister Kbin community: https://fedia.io/m/firefox ⭐ r/Firefox is protesting Reddit, and is DOWN, but you can join our sister Kbin community. ⭐ Official Matrix room for the r/firefox community on reddit. The latest news and developments on Firefox and Mozilla, a global non-profit that strives to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web.

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/foss@beehaw.org

Any Android apps that are recommended? And are there instance types for making Matrix too, and if so any that are recommended?


Even if it doesn't automatically resubscribe you I'm guessing lot of people as they use lemmy or kbin will be moving around from instances a lot.

So being able to keep track of which communities to resubscribe to would be really convenient to have.

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/anime@lemmy.ml

I've liked Cyberpunk 2077 and Assassination Classroom. Cool with any genre you guys have to recommend, since I enjoyed stuff like Zombieland Saga too.


I played Xenoblade Chronicles and had heard the system of Xenoblade 2 is lot more complicated.

submitted 1 year ago by NightOwl@lemmy.one to c/gundam@possumpat.io

I started with the Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy which I enjoyed a lot.

And I was told to watch these series in order next

  • Zeta Gundam
  • Double Zeta Gundam
  • Char's Counter Attack
  • Hathaway's Flash Part 1

And if there is a migration tool from onenote to the alternative that would be even better.

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