[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 1 points 4 hours ago

I'd also have accepted the money if I were him but at least I would have wrote a blog post explaining the situation, that now the apps are dead and controlled by a bad actor and need to get uninstalled as soon as possible.

Not almost denying it while continuing to get money on his Patreon from unaware users

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 1 points 6 hours ago

I donated to the Tibor guy and I feel betrayed for how he managed the situation

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 4 points 10 hours ago

It's always a danger when a malicious company purchases a famous open source project.

Like that israeli adware company that bought simple mobile tools

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Why the fuck are they using a cloud tts on an Android device??? Can't they use on device tts?? Seems extremely stupid for no reason

  1. It's expensive. They are paying a fee to the third party tts provider each single time someone needs a response. They boast "no subscriptions" - that means those fees are paid only by new customer purchases. Ponzi 2.0

  2. It's fucking expensive. Elevenlabs tts voices costs thousands of dollars per month plus $0.18 per 1000 characters. Ask the history of a monument and the verbose result that the LLM regurgitated costs them $0.15. Are they banking on the fact that most customers would just shelf the device after a day?

  3. It's slower. Each time the device needs to reply, it needs to stream an audio file instead of a few bytes of compressed text

  4. For the more realistic voices it's only cheaper in the short term. I get it - they don't like the robotic free voices and licensing a good closed source one costs money. But then you don't need to pay the "cloud" forever. Did they plan to shut down shortly after the launch? Where the money for running each user in a VM is coming out? (I saw from a YouTube video that it looked like they were using a browser automation tool in a VM)

At this point since everything is run on the cloud (=somebody else's computer) this could not only be a smartphone app, but a smartwatch app.

I wonder if they will just fold and do a rug pull now blaming the hackers or fix the problem.

Fixing the problem seems difficult for them - need to fully rewrite the app and having everything proxied through their authenticated server, increasing their expenses (and a rushed fix isn't secure/tested). But their money comes only from new investors and new customers, and at this point I doubt that they can sell more units or scam more investors.

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 3 points 2 days ago

also, when you have 5g failover on the router and the fiber it's down, it automagically continues to work without admin intervention

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 5 points 2 days ago

I was also thinking like that until I discovered that the only dude on XDA that was packaging all kind of roms for my short lived Xiaomi, was doing it on random servers (hacked servers? He was always complaining on his telegram channel that he couldn't find VMs with enough RAM or that "didn't last enough") and he sold the phone one year before so couldn't test it. Just running a script and if it compiles, it ships.

After I finished to read his telegram channel I restored the original android 8 firmware and flipped it on eBay...

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 5 points 2 days ago

Should be the bare minimum

I stopped buying Xiaomi because they switched from "monthly updates for years to come" (until around mi 5-6) to "a single update in the phone lifetime, if you're lucky" (RIP those idiots who purchased an expensive mix 3 5g and never saw any update) passing from "we gonna push ota updates without testing, you might softbrick LOL"

Although is understandable because they churn out 1 new phone every week, I guess it's extremely tiring compiling and testing software for all those variants /s

They copy everything from the iPhone, they don't copy the best part. Just three new models every year, updates for years. Why the opposite? People is going to lose track of what's better between the mi 13s pro x and the Redmi note 16x pro 5g. Especially when you add more chaos by rebadging that Redmi as poco x33 pro 5g but changing some bits here and there to make software incompatible


(it's a tablet in a smartphone form factor, it doesn't have cellular connectivity)

For reference, android 14 was announced 6 months before the launch of this device.

It's a bit surprising that Google still allows device certification with such ancient, unsupported and vulnerable OS.

All the marketing materials don't say which CPU it's using except "Qualcomm octa core CPU" - that means nothing as the description could apply to the Snapdragon 415, which was a low end slow system on a chip released ten years ago. Maybe it could explain why they're using an ancient version of Android - the soc that they're using it's a leftover found in some warehouse and it's already unsupported by the manufacturer; they're forced to use android 11.

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 14 points 3 days ago

it's a dark pattern deliberately chosen to let people get annoyed and pay for icloud. On windows people instead will accidentally fill their onedrive account and that's it. They won't even know that they're using it. It might send some scary emails like "your cloud backup is full!!!11 you gonna lose everything!!111" but those go directly in spam. Error messages in windows for regular users appear like "����� �������� �����������" - their eyes don't have the right encoding to understand the message, so they just click OK and dismiss it. Instead, the red dot is prominent in the home screen of every iphone and bother also those that don't read the error messages....

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 13 points 3 days ago

I had one of those NAS (NSA320). Even when they were new and suppoted they were using some ancient custom version of linux with ancient packages. It would be insane to expose them on the internet.

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 23 points 3 days ago

They never reinstalled OneDrive after an update... yet

(I hate how I have to uninstall useless shit after updates)

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 27 points 3 days ago

Yes, it doesn't get re enabled but I totally hate that annoying red dot on settings if you don't set iCloud

[-] Moonrise2473@feddit.it 53 points 3 days ago

Isn't apple doing the same?

Designed to fill the 5gb immediately so you're going to buy more cloud space immediately

When I had an iPhone, there was an annoying red dot on the settings icon "warning, you didn't enable cloud backups for photos", and if you enabled it become an annoying red dot "warning you ran out of iCloud space"

submitted 3 weeks ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/android@lemdro.id

"please don't buy our phones"


TL;DR: for a whole decade YouTube allowed a copyright troll to claim all the rights on a recording of a washing machine end cycle chime

The account of the copyright troll is still standing and it's not permanently banned

IMHO in this case YouTube should permanently ban at the first offense any copyright troll that maliciously claim as their property something that's in the public domain

Also: if it wasn't that it affected a big streamer with lots of followers, YouTube would have ignored the problem

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/reddit@lemmy.world

Google artificial "intelligence" suggested to add glue to let cheese stick to the pizza, because a decade ago user fucksmith on reddit said so

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I have friends that send me tiktok links via whatsapp and then they ask questions about it like "what do you think, scam or not". I used to open them with cookies rejected in ddg browser but now it pretends to freeze after 4 seconds of play, then it says that i must open it in the app and replaces the "play" button with a fake button that leads to google play.

I assume that there's no way to watch it anymore without an account and without the app, right?

submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/android@lemdro.id

Note for Americans: here WhatsApp is the de facto communication standard. Literally nobody uses SMS/iMessage/Facebook messenger/signal. And carriers still charge 2 euro for a MMS which completely kills iMessage/RCS (if accidentally send MMS, it's expensive)

I switched phones and instead of copying manually /Android/data/media/com.whatsapp I used the new feature of pairing via qr code.

Besides that's a not very well designed feature (you need to start transfer on the old phone before logging in the new phone) because they really want to store unencrypted backups on Google drive, the transfer completed in a short time.

Maybe too fast, I was expecting at least one hour to transfer the 5000 photos 10gb, instead it completed in 20 seconds.

So I told myself, ok photos not transferred, I'll just do that manually and directly put them in the photo archive on my PC rather than keep them mixed with all the "happy holidays" trash.

I browse the old phone to /Android/data/media/com.whatsapp and... It's empty. Wiped clean after the "successful" transfer process!

Luckily I had set syncthing (the fork on fdroid, the one on play store doesn't have access to whole storage) to have a full overnight backup! On my PC I still had all the photos, almost deleted too as I noticed that I didn't set the "trash can" option

Conclusion: go to download syncthing fork from fdroid and have a safety net from mistakes like this


One of those two sites is distributing adware. Which of them?

File Converter (FOSS) by Adrien Allard was hosted on file-converter[.]org since a decade. Then someone a few weeks ago snatched that domain and it's now distributing adware. Almost identical design for the page, 100% designed to deceive users to download a different product, as it's called Zamzar.


A week of downtime and all the servers were recovered only because the customer had a proper disaster recovery protocol and held backups somewhere else, otherwise Google deleted the backups too

Google cloud ceo says "it won't happen anymore", it's insane that there's the possibility of "instant delete everything"

submitted 2 months ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I turned on my old HTC espresso after a decade and I remembered that I loved this app.

It creates an unique profile image for contacts without a profile picture

So now when you open the contact list instead of having a list of capital letters in a circle you have a list of capital letters in a more colorful circle

Unfortunately it's now outdated and discontinued, but it still works on Android 14.

Seems like some asshole took the source code and republished the app as is, without credit, in the Amazon app store to get some financial incentive (around 2014 blackberry paid devs to republish their apps and many assholes decided that it was a good idea to "steal" open source apps)

After this, dev took development private but then got tired of the update treadmill that Google forces on the play store, so the apps were automatically delisted.

Luckily, fdroid doesn't have such artificial limitations on outdated apps that still work as intended.


I've enough.

Last year the automatic updater was rebooting windows without any warning after the uac prompt. The problem continued for months before being fixed

This year I got an update a week. Very annoying to get the same "why u no reboot? I need updates" question every single time I turn on my PC.

Today when updating it kills explorer.exe without any confirmation and doesn't bring it back to life.

I don't think that their paid enterprise customers are doing the ~~beta~~ alpha testers like this. Is it really necessary to push nightlies to end users? It can't be tested casually for a couple of days then pushed?

I disabled the updates check and will update the nextcloud desktop client manually every 5 years if I can remember. Added an exception to Winget so it doesn't update it. I lost my patience.


It's a 8th gen Intel laptop CPU with 64 GB of ddr4

Definitely a bargain!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/android@lemdro.id

The author says that once you install Gemini (pro), when you ask "what song is this", you get a reply like "use apple's Shazam".

They say Google assistant music recognition was working so well and super accurate.

Although I was never able to have it work. When I ask "what song is this" I can only get one of this two results:

  1. Sorry, I didn't understand (90% of cases)
  2. Search "what song is this" on Google

My use cases are:

  1. In car listening to radio. I never have it work.
  2. Know which song is playing right now on the device when I'm using headphones. It never worked but it should be trivial, you already have all the metadata already. My iPod touch could do this super reliably and 100% offline TWENTY YEARS ago. It was so useful.
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