[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 34 points 1 day ago

Since Twitter is a pile of shit let me link a photo of this tweet today.

Ah. It was a year and a half ago. And you'll notice the account is no longer verified.

That being said fuck Twitter. Not just since Muskrat took over, fuck it for as long as it has existed and been a blight on society.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

You know who just had the opportunity to focus on what Trump did (and is doing) wrong and flubbed it? Biden.

A vote for Biden is the easiest decision I'll make this year. Biden and his administration are doing solid work and I want to see more of it. Trump ensures genocide in Gaza. Trump ensures even more horrible acts in Ukraine by Russia. Trump ensures an even further conservative Supreme Court, further destroying and reversing settled law. Another 4 years of Trump will be a disaster.

But I know this already.

Any other generic Democrat would have kicked Trump's ass last night. Trump tells a lie, they correct it. Biden got a few blows in but he flubbed so many more.

Look at abortion, a layup for Democrats. America as a whole agrees with Democrats on the issue. What did Biden do? Fumbled and wandered into something about immigration.

The focus on Biden because we want better. Biden is better. Prove it.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 60 points 2 months ago

Yeah anyone apart from Larian making BG4 is basically fucked. Maybe if they wait 5-10 years and a studio with an established brand comes in, but that isn't what's going to happen.

Prior to BG3 I held BG1&2 somewhere in the top 5 games of all time. BG3 had an impossible bar to meet and they not only met it, but far surpassed it.

I'm genuinely sad at whatever BG4 releases as. It's like someone who loved Diablo 1&2 looking at Diablo 3&4. Diablo 3 was a shell of Diablo 2 and I literally just had to check if Diablo 4 was a released game. Maybe it's fun to someone, but I've completely checked out of the series.

So here's to BG4, BG:TCG, & BG:Mobile, shells of the greatness that came before them.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 80 points 3 months ago

Today? Maybe a few. A week, a month, a year from now? Reddit is going to get worse. People will leave.

Looking at Twitter it's clear some folks will never leave no matter how bad it gets, but plenty of folks will leave.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 136 points 3 months ago

acting as a strong comeback for Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.

No thank you.

I've heard great things about this story, but I'm not watching something run by these loons.

If it's a one and done season, I'll watch it once it's done. If it's going to take multiple seasons, I'll watch it when it's done. It's Netflix, so they won't finish it.

AMC Theaters suck (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by MimicJar@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

20 minutes of trailers and 10 minutes of AMC puff pieces including the Nicole Kidman OMG Cinema commercials.

Earlier today I went to an AMC IMAX theater to watch Dune Part 2 (spoiler free review, a great film), and instead of the film starting at the scheduled time we have to duck around for 30 min before the film starts (which even then isn't true since we get two 30 second studio logos).

I'm so happy that most theaters I go to are smaller with usually only a preview or two.

But for AMC, fuck you.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 66 points 5 months ago

39 year old Dale the electrician and father of two young girls would be VERY CONFIDENT. What he wouldn't be is skilled.

He'd run at full speed (for Dale) onto the mat, fall on his ass and then start making snow angels.

He'd run to the bars, grab on, go halfway up, fall on his ass and then start making snow angels.

Balance beam? He'd run up at full speed, realize he has a bad back, run to the side of it, tap, tap, tap, fall to the ground and, you guessed it, snow angels.

And of course after each event he'd stand up (well, someone will probably have to give him a hand), but he'll stand up, do little finish, hands straight up as the crowd applauds. Whoops did I saw hands straight up? I meant finger guns. Pew pew Dale. Pew pew.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 84 points 5 months ago

This reminds me of a similar joke from AIM days.

You could tell your friends that you were going to "hack" their computer.

They would of course not believe you.

You would then send them a few images that looked hackery and a few that were broken.

The broken images were actually a link to "A:/fakeimage.jpg" and "D:/fakeimage.jpg".

This would cause A drive, the common "floppy" drive, to turn on and look for a fake image for a few seconds. As I recall this worked even with no disk inserted and made a bunch of noise.

Similarly the D drive, the common CD drive, would spin up, also making noise. I believe this did require a disk in the drive, but at the time everyone always had some form of disk in the drive.

What you had really done was nothing, but making your friends computer make noise unexpectedly was still funny.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 64 points 6 months ago


That's a link to the most recent release of Firefox and the security vulnerabilities that were fixed.

You'll notice the first one listed says, "This issue could allow an attacker to perform remote code execution and sandbox escape."

So if you visited a site that exploited that bug, it escaped the sandbox and ran whatever code it wanted to. Since you were running as root it could do anything it wants. Your device is now the property of someone else. Potentially all your data has been stolen. You probably didn't even notice.

Now. Realistically. You probably didn't get exploited. Your device may not be vulnerable to that particular bug. But new bugs are found, and fixed, and created every day. Can you be sure you weren't exploited?

Let's look at it a different way. Think of it like driving a car with no seatbelt or airbags. As long as you don't crash, you're fine. The car still works fine without seatbelts and you have more freedom to move your arms around.

Let's look at it a different way. Do you ever lock the door to your home/apartment? Heck do you even close the door? Why not leave it wide open?

At the end of the day security is about layers and the trade offs for convenience. You can run KDE as root, and you can run Firefox as root. You'll probably be fine. It's like driving without a seatbelt or leaving your front door wide open, but you can do it. If you do drive with a seatbelt and at least close your front door, you can probably run KDE and Firefox as a regular user.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 115 points 6 months ago

I always assume people doing this are unhinged/crazy and I definitely don't want to deal with that.

Sometimes they look nice enough.

Usually what happens is myself and everyone else on the train look at each other, have a shared look of "Morons? Am I right?" and then when that person leaves, we all share a group laugh.

So I guess what I'd say is, if you do this, know that everyone is laughing at you. If you say you don't care, that's a lie, you do care, that's why you're doing what you're doing. This is not positive attention, this is negative attention. Please take a moment and reflect to be a force for positivity and not negativity.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 54 points 6 months ago

Ancient tech? Looks at literally every laptop and desktop sold.

Headphone jack removal is anti-consumer and any device without one is missing a key component. Why would I buy a device missing a key component?

Plus you can find wired headphones EVERYWHERE. Walk into any gas station and pick up replacements for $10. Sure they may not be the best quality, but they work. Also, no charging, just plug them into your device. Also, no setup, just plug it in.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 80 points 8 months ago

"...like forcing users to upload copies of their government IDs to access an online service."

"Some states, like Louisiana, have tailored their bills to ban kids from seeing online porn by forcing everyone, including adults, to verify their age before using the site. Google’s proposal does not oppose age verification on porn and gambling sites."

That's terrifying. Signing up for Lemmy would require uploading a government ID. I don't know the solution to this problem, but I'm not confident this proposal is the right one.

[-] MimicJar@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

I know we're shit posting but if I could get real for a moment, this is how I learned about 9/11.

TV rolls in. Whole class goes "Yay". Teacher says, "Be quiet and watch". Whole class goes, "Oh no, he's grumpy". Whole class goes, "Wait... This is live TV". A whole world changes.

Otherwise though, TV good.

Babies are too loud (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by MimicJar@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Setting > General > Highlightenator

(Great name BTW.)

I'm not quite sure the solution but I found the babies to be too loud and distracting. I think if every account had a color and emoji it wouldn't be as distracting, but I also might hate that more.

It might just be the yellow of it all, if it were black and white that might make it better, but that's not how emoji works so I'm out of ideas.

I do think it's a neat feature, but I had to turn it off. Figured by posting here other folks might have ideas.

Edit: Android PWA 1.14.0

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