[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 2 points 12 hours ago

11, on a ZenFone 6.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 4 points 2 days ago

Might be android version dependent? Because now I'm on my second phone (on an older android version) and here it doesn't work in Thunder.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 4 points 2 days ago

Voyager was the only one that could display properly.

Works on thunder.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 4 points 2 days ago

Well, it's not like we couldn't fall back to animated webps for that until it's no longer a problem.

Depends on how configurable image-rs is I guess.

I could test avif for my posts tho, as I host my images with catbox anyway.

I'm certainly curious to see if I can achieve smaller files with the same quality, as it's always nice when browsing is fast.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 1 points 3 days ago

No I'm just being funny

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 2 points 3 days ago

This version of Waller wierds the f out.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 12 points 4 days ago

I'm not sure... Is consuming the fantasy creatures instead of banging them better or worse?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by MentalEdge@ani.social to c/dungeonmeshi@ani.social

Last weeks thread - 10 Comments

Dungeon Meshi is a well liked manga, and the first half of an adaptation by Studio Trigger has just finished airing. If you haven’t seen it, it's fantastic and I highly recommend it. If you're a fan, make sure to sub to the community here on Lemmy.

The series is available to stream on Netflix.

And so it ends. Another great episode, not much of a synopsis to write here. The gang sorts out the Mushroom and Gargoyle problem, and then discuss the best plan they've come up with so far for dealing with Falin.

Remember not to spoil anything if you’re a manga reader, but feel free to elaborate on tidbits of lore that may not be coming through in the adaptation.

Neko-toes (ani.social)
[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 27 points 1 month ago

I love the self-improvement club bros. They are such bros.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by MentalEdge@ani.social to c/dungeonmeshi@ani.social

It's unclear whether the spell Maizuru put on Izutsumi is actually lethal. This World Guide chapter reveals that the spell is called "Ninpo: Babysitter" which suggests a much less ghoulish purpose, and that she in fact developed the spell for keeping track of Shuro when he was a child.

But even then, it simply ended up traumatizing him.

This chapter also features Izu, the day she was brought into the Nakamoto family as a retainer.

rarest model in vtubing (www.youtube.com)
[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 38 points 8 months ago

This. There are already plans on expanding what the surveillance is used for, as soon as it is possible to begin with.

"Think of the children" is just the trick they're using to get their foot in the door. It being utterly ineffective in doing what they claim it'll do, is irrelevant.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 75 points 8 months ago

This is a level of bullshit that will straight up make me vote to leave the EU.

Outlawing E2EE should just not be a thing. It just shouldn't.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 90 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Like for real!! I was a semi-lurker on reddit. Posted a couple times a year.

I just passed 500 posts on Lemmy.

[-] MentalEdge@ani.social 207 points 10 months ago

TFW a wifi transfer literally loads files from your phone faster than a fucking cable.

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