[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 12 points 2 weeks ago

It's an incremental fix that is doable with the current state of government.

Is it perfect? No. It's not. But it at least helps some people.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 69 points 2 weeks ago

These people don't realize that the only reason they are sleeping comfortably in their beds at night is because people on the left are abiding by a social contract that they are trying to break.

If they break that social contract, their little McMansion isn't going to be nearly enough to protect their delusional positions.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 53 points 2 weeks ago

National (R)epublican Association. That's why.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 19 points 2 weeks ago

Imagine how much crime would drop if we had basic housing and income for everyone!

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 35 points 2 weeks ago

Uhh... multiple people have confirmed he did do this. So yeah he's right. Only a psycho would do this.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 9 points 2 weeks ago


You're correct. They did it back then. They absolutely are still doing it now.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 8 points 2 weeks ago

You originally said 'Biden is committing genocide,' man.

Israel is acting unilaterally, there are no US troops on the ground nor US planes in the sky.

Biden is one of the people trying to get the situation under control. Someone else pointing out that trump says 'finish the job' is just adding context.

Who would people choose, the guy who's trying to do something or the one who wants more killing?

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 13 points 2 weeks ago

Obama was a good president hampered by his will to try and get everyone to work together. I'd say his one weakness was prenegotiating with the republicans and trying to bring them to the table constantly. It was obvious they never would work with him.

He also bungled the Russian election interference by not letting the public know what was going on.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 17 points 2 weeks ago

I want politics to be something you look at with a sense of boredom vs a sense of dread again. Biden has been great for making politics 'boring' again, on top of being a very competent leader.

Sure, there's things he has done that I'm not a fan of, but that's every leader.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah like, most people have shit to do. I'm excited to vote for Biden again actually (he did get a lot of good stuff done with an extremely tight congress), and sure there are things he 100% did that I'm not on board with, but that's everything. You're never going to get 100% of what you want, but he's the closest I'll get so lets do it!

It's just very frustrating how they're framing the race this cycle. They completely ignore trumps many disqualifiers while talking about polling that, by all rights, he's paying for bad results again.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 9 points 2 weeks ago


If you look at the underlying metrics for this election, it shouldn't be anywhere near to being close. Multiple state republican parties are literally bankrupt, the primary demographic of the GOP is dying due to old age, and they are running a convicted felon.

You also have stuff like trump paying for biased polls. Are we really going to think that other people; didn't know about this and are now doing it as well?

It just doesn't make any sense, and of course our corporate owned media flat out refuses to be the 4th wall and be objective in their reporting. It's infuriating.

[-] MartianRecon@lemmus.org 20 points 2 weeks ago

So the biggest issue on polling is that it's a broken system. It relies on all people to answer when asked, and what we're seeing is people flat out aren't doing it. Think about it. When's the last time you answered an unknown number, and if that number wasn't something you were expecting (like your car repair person telling you your vehicle was ready) did you stay on the line?

This same kind of thing is popping up when we look at polling for the primaries and then see the actual voter data. They haven't been lining up for a while.

Think back to 2022. The media, for months, was saying there was going to be a red wave election. Polling was supporting this as well. And... they had a measly 5 seat majority.

I think people are putting way too much faith in polling the past few cycles, because something fundamentally changed in how people interact with them.

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