
joined 11 months ago
[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 4 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Those things put seperatly Steam is far from the best option , except for the store part because that's their main thing.

The launcher part is just part of Steams basic DRM, some games can be started from their directory without Steam running.

The subreddits and Discord servers for certain games are usually more organized, cohesive and feature better fan made content than Steams Community Hub.

Nexusmods is far superior to the Steam Workshop in every single aspect.

For Reviews most people go to YouTube and watch a video. Steams review system is more an indicator of general reception rather than actual gameplay.

Steam doesn't try to squich all the other platforms they just provide a convenient alternative to them. So why are all those things suddenly an issue.

How do you even enforce breaking all those things up? Should there be a law that all governments agree on, that states Steam exclusively can't host mods anymore? Should they be split up into subsidiaries, like Steam Store, Steam Community, Steam Mods etc.?

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 11 points 3 weeks ago

No, but anything can be grounds for a lawsuit as long as you have enough money to throw out. And given that they are being sued by the government, all bets are off.
That's my whole point, none of the provided arguments are a good reason for a lawsuit. This has early 2000s "It's those darn videogames" vibes, except this time instead of saying that their doing it to protect our children, they are openly doing it to get the money.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

The whole point of having ads be separate from the video is for youtube to easily distance itself from malicious ads. If an ad is malicious it can easily be reported and taken out of commission. But if ads are now part of the video, what stops an ad from being an ISIS beheading clip in the middle of a video made for children? If there is still a way to still report it, then there is a way to recognize the ad.

Also how will this interfere with creators? Editing a video and giving it a proper pace is already a huge challenge. But now ads can just be automaticaly cut into it without the creators control? That's gonna fuck up so many quality channels. That's already a big problem with the current system, bit at least you can skip or block them.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 26 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

As far as I know, regional pricing through Steam is completely controlled by the publisher/dev. It's literally a checkbox for each region and a text field to enter an adjusted price. And Steam has made great efforts to stop regional key trading to prevent people from just buying cheaper keys from 3rd world countries and reselling them.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 78 points 3 weeks ago (13 children)

What the hell are these points?

Steam forces developers to ask for higher prices? Ah, yes, because Activision is so eager to sell Call of Duty for just $20 but big bad Steam is just forcing their hand and they have to sell it for $70. See if you look at their own store where they can set their own prices its… also $70… hmm, that’s weird. Maybe others… nope same prices across all platforms. Almost like publishers can actually freely decide on their prices.

Steam also forces customers to buy DLCs for games on their platform. Well, how else is this going to work? I buy a game on Steam and then call up the devs to venmo them $2 and they send me a DVD in the mail? Or should I make a new account on some other website and get my DLCs seperatly from there? Most games don’t even sell you DLCs, they sell you credits so you can unlock content that’s already in the game. Often times you have to buy those credits trough the devs website and link your account to Steam. That’s already a pain it the ass.

Steam takes 30% of the cut. True, that sound like a lot. Imagine you’re a solo Dev and you’ve been working 9 years on a game. 3 of those years you’ve essentially been working just to pay off Steam. But look at what you get for those 3 years. You get a seperate store page for your product that you can essentially design however you want. You get access to high speed distribution servers all over the world, that also allow you to effortlessly push updates out, the option for regional pricing, the industries most reliable user review system, an integrated discussion and fan art forum, third party controller support (important for people with disabilities), and a refund system. Sure 30% still sounds like a lot, but would you be able to provide all this if you would’ve self publish the game, probably not.

Steam is consistently the cheapest option to buy games on sale. And even if it isn’t the cheapest, at no point in time have I thought, man Steam has this game for $7.49 but EGS has it for $6.99, I better get it on EGS. Maybe on GoG but no where else.

It’s mind boggling to think that through inflation and some shortages almost all groceries have nearly doubled in price over the last 20 years, but a AAA game is still $60, even though the cost of making a game has skyrocketed. Imagine gas prices would’ve stayed the same over the last 20 years and people would complian that gas station sandwiches would tast like shit.

I copied my own comment from a cross post on another instance, so don't @ me.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 24 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I hope I'm lucky enough to marry ~~a woman like her one day.~~

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Lately I've been getting a lot of Big Bang theory shorts on Youtube. And I'm beginning to ask myself why I ever disliked this show. It has some solid jokes.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

Jokes on you, even if this was writen normaly I would've trouble readng it.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

And yet it still takes 4+ attemts to join a quickmatch and only they host can use the "remember scope" setting. Where the fuck is all this money going?

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

We found the containment facility for SCP-106.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 36 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Well, kidney problems rarely do come alone.

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