[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

They're the kind of brand that come out with a netflix and chill flavor that's just mint flavored popcorn and it'll be the only thing they dont cancel after the first couple batches.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

It would absolutely surprise you how common of a thought this is.


I'm looking to make links stand out by any means. I find myself always opening them and having something like YouTube or other video services open and start playing while in places where that's not ideal.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 110 points 3 months ago

I'm sorry, social media is the problem? It's a part of the problem sure but not THE problem. We just want to afford rent and feed our families. It's really not a big ask.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 30 points 3 months ago

I'm currently selling my house because I can't afford it anymore. When I bought the house I made sure it was 20% below my income. Mortgage went up $600 this year along with everything else I got robbed of home ownership. I worked tirelessly to buy the house and now being forced to sell I feel absolutely defeated....


With the ad adjustment came these banner ads on the top of comment sections and they are atrocious so much so I don't bother reading comments anymore. They all have the obnoxious white backgrounds and they flicker since they move. It feels light no matter my phones britness they are blinding and since content doesnt get loads of comments the banner is just distracting while reading. I'm on board with ads as I haven't paid to remove but this specific style changes how I'm using sync now.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 30 points 4 months ago

Wendy's will be using surge pricing to increase their prices when it's busy.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 34 points 5 months ago

This country Is such a fucking joke. My small family of three will be homeless in a month because we can't afford to pay for food and our mortgage. We make to much got any government assistance but to little to live....My daughter already lost her asthma medication because insurance doesn't cover it. I had to get rid of my insurance for myself because we couldn't afford it and it wasn't covering anything for me. I'd kill myself but the slim chance I'd live it would just bring on more fucking bills. Why even bother trying any more.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 36 points 5 months ago

You know what's also annoying AF? The number of apps that keep asking permissions when you open then. Doesn't matter how many times you say no.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 36 points 6 months ago

Damn for a company that's been shutting down locations I'd think it be cheaper to pay their employees better than lose all those customers. My state alone has seen them shut down nearly every location.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 104 points 6 months ago

As someone planning to move to this area soon I want my kiddo involved!

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 83 points 6 months ago

So they'll reintroduce the old size with a larger price tag now that they shrank the others while keeping them priced the same. More of a reason to stay away

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 107 points 7 months ago

Honestly I put up with doing that when the prices were better. After damn near 15 years I had to dust off the hat and sail the seas. It forced me to learn how to set up a home server which I've never even entertained the idea of until now.

[-] LifeOfChance@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

Aggressive marketing is killing the love for gaming. There's nothing that can be done to off set the whales and that's so disheartening. Games have become a part of the day to day stress with needing daily log ins for rewards or to buy an overpriced subscription to play with friends. The fact single play games dwindle down more and more everyday is why I moved to PS just so I can enjoy them with games like Spiderman

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