[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 11 points 5 days ago

Don't tell idaho, their bars will have a "Super awesome straight skinny guy beach days" every Saturday...

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 79 points 3 weeks ago

Damn, a former president is banned from entering more countries than I am. That's fucking wild and make me feel slightly better about some of the places I'll never see again.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 77 points 1 month ago

Some this has to do with shelf life. Beverages containing alcohol have a long shelf life. A restaurant is not going to take losses on having 50 kinds of juice or whatever on hand. Another angle to this is that a lot of the drinks on the alcoholic menu are cocktails, so just combinations of other shit they have. Finally, what adult is just drinking milk? Have some water, it is good for you.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 111 points 1 month ago

A white terrorist group filled with members of a white terrorist group? Truly shocking!

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 104 points 2 months ago

The craziest thing that demonstrates how shitty our healthcare system is, is that they made a goddamn movie 25 years ago about a guy holding people hostage in a children's hospital at gunpoint to get his child a surgery when payment was denied and nobody found that premise outlandish.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 121 points 2 months ago

A third of those predate gen z. The complete nonsense words are definitely on them, though.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 81 points 6 months ago

Zero sympathy. You ride with fascists, this is what happens.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 77 points 7 months ago

I was never into trucks, but a cascade of circumstances put me in one. I hate to admit it, but I love that damn thing. I'm always throwing shit in the back, taking more camping trips, more wilderness trips, fishing low pressure spots, hauling trailers of shit, it does everything. The only thing that could come close utility wise would be a minivan, though I'd lose the offroad capability. I don't love the gas mileage, but I'm looking at a possible ethanol conversion.

All that to say, if you have a truck, use it like a truck.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 74 points 8 months ago

I've worked retail a few times, and I always just went and stood in the back for awhile, maybe took a shit, had a smoke, and then came back to tell them we still don't have it. The best were the fucking clowns at home depot. My guy, you are in the fucking warehouse, there is no other storage. Luckily, at that home depot, there was an unsecured security door on the receiving area you could just pop out back and have smoke at.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 102 points 8 months ago

It's antisemitic if you don't let Israelis sexually assault, torture, murder, and steal from Palestinians and other "undesirables."

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 108 points 9 months ago

Yeah, we've really done a fantastic job fucking the world up in the last century. It's truly incredible that in the blink of an eye, we've managed to doom most of the life that exists on our planet.

[-] Letstakealook@lemm.ee 72 points 10 months ago

I can't afford to be complacent, I'm not white. I'd rather die with a gun in hand than in a camp. Some things are worse than death.

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